Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Yesterday I sold the black table. I sold it for just $40 on the classifieds, but I'm glad to have been able to send it away for a new life instead of just tossing it or even instead of me taking it to the thrift store to donate. So that was good news. I had a vision in my head of Corey and I sitting at it for our breakfast when we were empty nesters, but Corey didn't share that vision and was anxious to send it away. I told it thank you and feel ok about both of us moving on. The new table is starting to grow on me. I like how it fits in the nook area, although I'm still nervous about the light color. We need to get a glass table top for it or something before I can relax. As for now I'm watching the kids when they sit there. Homework is ok, but I haven't allowed much eating yet. Pb and J sandwiches are ok. Sophi eating her slice of peanut butter and jelly and Abi taking a break from homework to watch the the 1982 version.
They had watched the 1999 Annie version last night for date night and I was rolling my eyes at that one. Daniel and Owen have been singing "Little Girls, little girls...." over and over again today. I told Abi she should check out the Annie version from my childhood, and she brought up a few youtube clips and was cringing the whole time. I admit it was weird, but I quite enjoy it as a kid, so I guess that's why I can tolerate it now. Abi looks like either she was confused or she was about to throw up. I thought it was better than the 1999 version though. I haven't seen the 2014 version. I was around 6 years old when the 1982 version came out, wow! I remember getting some Annie "I love you" necklaces from the Avon lady. And I remember my older sister and I listened to her record of it on our family record player (which also had a place to play 8 tracks!) We made up a whole dance to the "We got Annie" song, and I remember gathering my family so they could see us perform it. So it brings back fun memories, but Abi was wincing at the singing, dancing, at the actors... I'm not sure if she believed me when I said Carol Burnett was a big star. And I admit her "little girls" song was weird, and what, she's like dancing around in lingerie! That shouldn't have been wholesome entertainment. Abi also cringed at how weird the dancing was, esp the flower guy who does some little gig and then climbs the trellis to give Annie flowers, but I tried to defend him with "Hey, that was that actors big break! His moment to shine! He had to give it his all." So it's kinda fun/weird being on this side of old, and looking back and remembering when I was a kid and how things were. A fun thing about travelling and living in other countries, is that even though my kids aren't that old yet, they are able to have that nostalgic experience of looking back at a time gone by.

Ethan's package finally arrived in California. They went to go pick it up at the UPS "hub" to ensure they got it, rather than depend on them delivering it again only to have it faith. So then Eth finished writing his graduation speech and is probably going to stay home from selling to record that tomorrow.

Yesterday I repaired the cardboard slide a bit and they've been playing on that more today, but then I took it out for the bulk clean up, cause as of yesterday that still hadn't been cleaned up. They picked it all up today. So we broke out some old toys to keep the kids entertained: train table!
Sophi recording herself playing a song for her virtual talent show with her school class.
We are nearing the finish line for school. Two more days and the older kids will be done, they are still working to get all their grades to passing, yikes. Come on E, come on Wes! I know that if you don't pass that they are allowing you until August to get it fixed, but we don't want to drag this out that long, do we? No, so just get it done.

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