Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sunday Traditions

Today the kids enjoyed some wrestling with Corey. I found it funny that Hyrum and Wes didn't join Corey in wrestling the little kids. Are they getting to old or too tired already?
It was also fun to watch Peter, who seemed to want to participate, but didn't know how far to go, so he'd just walk into the middle of the room and do circles.
Near the end he did go up and start whacking Corey, which we thought was funny.
After wrestling, we watched Fiddler on the Roof together. That is a great movie. We had a yoyo lunch and a sit down meal (8 for 8!). I tried out the angle for a future "Peter's Dinner Cam"
I think it would be a fun livestream for the family! I bet it would be too noisy for most people to find enjoyable, cause we got lots-o-loud little kids. Joseph and Ethan would like it.
Speaking of our Cali boys, they are doing well. Joseph asked us last night what was going on with the riots in SL, and we didn't know what he was talking about. Corey and Wes had gone skating at the U in the early afternoon, and I guess around that time there was a protest turned riot down in the city center. Glad they didn't get caught it in. We hadn't heard anything about George Foley until late last night when Mel clued me in. She was aware cause she was on Instagram and heard stuff. So, yeah, we're just here safe at home in our happy bubble having dinner. I guess "Stay Safe" might be taking on another meaning soon.

After dinner, we had a special Sunday dessert afterwards like we used to try and do on Sundays. Today was the old standby of cake with ice cream, whipped cream, raspberries and an Oreo topping. Yum. The kids liked it.
Then I went over to my mom's house with Peter and had a nice visit there with my little bro Neil, just the two of us with Mom and Dad. Peter slept through it all. It was a nice visit for my mom's bday. Today I also enjoyed studying Preach My Gospel this morning. Our friend Iveth told Corey last week that she's trying to help a Catholic priest from Las Vegas move up here to Salt Lake, and he's coming up today and will be here this week and we might have them over for dinner. So I read my scriptures with the thought that I was a Catholic Priest reading and discovering these new sources of truth (Book of Mormon) and new doctrines (of the Godhead and Apostasy), and what a feast it has been! I'm only in the Restoration part, but have really been loving studying it and I'm marking all the scriptures that belong to this section in blue. Plan of Salvation is going to be orange, Gospel of Jesus Christ will be green, The Commandments will be purple, and lastly Laws and Ordinances in yellow! It's been great to read with my scripture open and pen and colored pencils in hand. I'm still enjoying watching as many of the youtube videos as I can by Teaching with Power, Book of Mormon Central, Real Talk, and Don't Miss This and my sister shared this one with me that is more on the kids level - The Scripture Project. So many great resources out there!

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