Monday, June 1, 2020

Roller Hockey

Tonight after another sit down dinner (woot woot), Corey loaded up the car with hockey sticks and rollerblades. He was in the mood for an epic hockey game. We went over to the elementary school. The little kids ran to the playground. The girls road around on their bikes.
Despite all of Corey's preparation, it was just Wes and Corey in the game. I tried on Abi's rollerblades, but they were too big for me. Or maybe they fit but they felt loose compared to the rollerblade brand I had as a kid - they weren't like what I remember wearing in high school. And man, I don't think I've even been in rollerblades since then! I picked up a hockey stick and tried to play and it was just like old times, where I didn't feel comfortable enough out on the street so I opted to play a safe position for my skill level: goalie. Hyrum decided to try to play too. My little side kick followed me over and made the game more challenging for us. Anyone who hits Peter would automatically lose.
I got some great lucky blocks, haha, ha gotta love those. Corey also hit the ball at my shin, so we were having all sorts of flashbacks to our junior year. We'll see if I get a welt. It was Wes and I against Corey and Hyrum for a while, but then we changed teams to Corey vs. everyone else. Corey easily won. 
And he didn't win because our goal kept disappearing... We had three balls, and Peter was constantly on the hunt to take them and the goal cones. 
I don't think Peter was aware of how close he was to getting pummeled should any of us make a mistake... He made it through the evening untouched. Amazing.

It was another happy day in our little family bubble.

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