Friday, June 12, 2020

Kindergarten Shots

Today I took Owen in to get his kindergarten immunizations. Who knows what "school" will look like in the fall, but we're getting him ready and registered anyway. At the clinic, there was plenty of parking available. The door that I usually take was closed and there was a sign instructing people to enter the main west doors. Upon entering, a nice lady was there to greet us and take our temperatures, then we sanitized our hands and we were given masks. I thought the kids looked cute - this is the new normal!
And yay, now my kids have some face masks. Maybe I'll let them come to the store with me! Ha, probably not, I'm actually enjoying having an excuse to go along. "Nope! Can't come... coronavirus!" Today I took these three in the car with me to go drop off Abi and Wes at Corey's parent's house. We took A and W there cause Mark was going to pick them up to go camping. But I said we couldn't stay cause we had to take Owen to the doctor. So we ran back home to get pants for Daniel (who was just in his boxers) and shoes for Owen, then we went to the doctor. Peter stayed home with Hyrum and Mel. Owen went straight to the exam table and lay down. It was funny. He knew he was going to get a shot too, and was very brave about the idea. You don't have to lay down yet though sweetie. Daniel was also aware that he was supposed to not look when O got his shots, cause he might faint.
Owen check out great. And he got a new book from the doctor.
And the doc (also our neighbor) gave me a staple remover so I can take out Daniel's staples and we don't have to drive in to the clinic. Ha! I have the doctors permission to be a doctor mom! I was quick to brag about that to Corey, who teases me for my home medicine approach to things sometimes. Now we're just waiting for the shots...
Owen didn't flinch or cry or let out a peep when he got his three pokes. He did so good! So we all got ice cream when we got home. Then Corey and I went out on a date to Bandits and we talked about the crazy current state of things here in the US (mostly we talked about Seattle). Things are getting weird! In case anyone is wondering, it's the last days! Buckle up!

And yet, here we still are, in our happy bubble. I'm stopping to smell the roses every day!
We'll enjoy our bubble life while it lasts. The kids have been playing nicely, Lily made Daniel a cute "unicorn" that he loves,
He requested that it breathe fire.
I thought it looked a little weird since it didn't seem to have a nose, but hey, if Dandiel's happy, I'm happy. Corey and the kids played hockey in the circle last night with neighbors. 
Sophi came home and told me to come over and play. I came over with Peter, but I didn't come ready to play. I was wearing flip flops and a skirt. I also told them that I had a bruise that was still healing from our last game, so I just be watching. I met some new neighbors that have the cutest and chubbiest little 7 month old girl who has sooo much hair, she was sooo cute. Peter was very curious at this small human and was watching her with interest. Practicing his best grin to charm the ladies...
That's a winning smile!

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