Saturday, June 13, 2020

Outing with Dad

Corey took the kids on an outing today. I really want to clean, and kinda forbade any fun until they do some work, cause the kids have hardly practiced music or done any household chores this week. So they kinda kicked it in gear, but they (mostly the toddlers) were driving us nuts and Corey had to leave or he was going to explode. So it was just a few chores and a lousy 10 min of music practice and I said fine. As they were getting ready, Corey told Sophi to go change her clothes. "Why?" she asked. "I can't explain it to you now, but we can talk about it in a few years. ...But first let me get a picture of you..."
I thought she looked fine, but my standards are pretty low. I did notice Daniel though "Buddy, I don't think you should wear a fleece jacket today! It's like 80 degrees out there!" He didn't listen to me. I helped Sophi though.... All her pants were being washed, so I told her to change her shirt... Something with black in it should ground the look. So a black shirt with the same busy-ness on it, and she got the o.k. I'm not sure all the places they went, but I know Scheel's was on there, cause Corey sent a polo of that. He was walking into the store with the kids... "They're all wearing masks to keep them safe from Covid, and I'm wearing a mask so I won't be recognized...." haha, funny guy. Then he shared another polo of them getting their covid germs all over the beanie boos in the toy section. A little while later, I checked in on them again (via Life360) and they were on Ensign peak. I texted Corey to send me pictures.
There you see Sophi's shirt. It was seriously the same style and brand, just on black. I'm glad to see that Daniel appears to have removed his jacket during the hike.
It's a pretty cool spot to look over the valley. (Daniel crying about something...)
Now, continuing to talk about clothes... Lily. Your outfit looks a bit "witch"-ish. She's got a horizontal striped shirt, black capri leggings, knee high pink socks and black heeled boots?!?!
I would have insisted that look be changed before I went in public with her.
But they're kids, and kids will be kids. I've long given up on what they wear, I'm just happy if they are wearing clothes (last 6 pics) and feel lucky if/that they dress themselves.
They went to Corey's parents house for a bit too, and that's all I know. They probably got food. I was glad that I got a little bit of work done here, cause miracle of miracles - Peter took a good nap! Yay. I've been on facebook too much this past week, and reading too much about how the world is falling apart. Sometimes when I haven't read anything, I'll ask Corey "What's going on in the world?" and his reply: "It's all bad." Yup. I think I need a break from the media and need to just fortify my faith. I haven't read Matt Walsh for a while, but did read a post of his from Friday "It's Time to Face The Facts: We Cannot Be United". I kinda agree that it seems we do not agree and are not united on many fundamental things, so what do we do? Where do we go from here? I bet we could all agree that Child Trafficking is bad, so maybe that's a place to start, with Operation Underground Railroad. And then when people learn of how great OUR is and what a hero Tim Ballard is, then they'll want to learn more about how he is able to do such amazing work, and maybe that will lead them to his books and they'll learn about Jesus Christ and his restored church. Christ is the world's last hope! We need to turn to God if we want to save the world. Learn humility and forgiveness, be of good cheer and fear not.

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