Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Moving Rocks

Tonight we did a family service project after dinner. We all went over to a neighbor's house and helped clear weeds from her rocks.
Step 1 - get all the big rocks out and onto the curb or sidewalk. This was a good one to have all the little kids help with.

Step 2 - shovel out all the weeds, leaves, and dirt
Step 3 - Put weeks, leaves and dirt in garbage.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until it's all clear. It was great to get out and work together! Quality time - that's my love language! It must be Natalie's too, cause she asked Corey "This is fun, can we do this again?"

Step 4 - put the rocks back, biggest rocks in the middle, then other rocks around it.
The kids did such a good job helping! It took us about 90 minutes to get it all done. Lily watched Peter, cause her arms started itching really badly when she was pulling the weeds. And with her watching Peter, I was able to help dig.
Peter put rocks in the toy wheel barrow. After the job was done, we got to go make a fire in her backyard and roast some marshmallows.
That was a good deal for everyone - we got to work together and spend time outside, and help a neighbor, and get a treat at the end! We had planned to go over at 7, but we were just a bit late, cause Corey gets home around 6:30 and we were just sitting down to eat at 6:40. So I texted that we'd be a bit late and it was ok. Here is our first and probably only installment of the dinner cam.

I think Peter is so cute to watch, but I don't want his life to become a Truman Show. Plus it's probably pretty distracting to see himself eat. So this might be our only dinner cam episode. (Unless he gets too many comments from adoring fans saying they need more!)

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