Monday, June 8, 2020

Insurance and Appointments

A week ago on Friday, it was the end of  a work week, and Corey got a text from the CEO at his new job...
We thought that was pretty funny. Corey said he was sure that our large family would end up somehow into the Monday morning meeting. Corey had hoped he would not have been outed so quickly, as he said he usually likes to make a better contribution before being labeled as a madman. So that was funny. "15? No! My goodness, can you imagine 15 people! Of course not. ...It's only 14..."

Speaking of our insurance coverage... it's nice that we had it, as Daniel took his toddler turn getting stitches tonight.
He and Owen were goofing off and wrestling on Corey's legs as he sat on the floor and tried to coach Wesley through trumpet playing from across the room. They got more and more wild, until Owen pushed Daniel over and D hit his head on the bookshelf... the same one that Natalie fell into when she got cut and had to go get stitches. Luckily his cut was in his hair, not on his face. I couldn't see how bad it was, so I took him upstairs for a quick bath, saw it was significant, and got a wide shirt for him to get dressed in. He was sad for a minute in the tub, as he contemplated his difficult life "I bleed my teeth and I bleed my head!" He was a trouper though and soon was laughing with Peter who was watching him. I got him dressed, told him he had to go to the doctor, and gave him two Oreos as a bribe. Socks and shoes on, and then he walked to the car to go with Corey.
"You can eat the cookies at the doctor's, ok?" "Ok. Bye Mom!"
He came back with three staples in his head! That's the first time a kid has gotten staples, wow! So that's fun. I was also on the phone with insurance a lot today, trying to figure things out for Ethan, like what things are covered, and if they might be covered in California. Ethan will be out there for three more weeks, and he was thinking he could do his eye exam out there. but we'd have to pay out of pocket cause it would be out of network, and if he waits we get one preventative visit each year, so his eye exam is going to wait. As is an ingrown toenail appointment (his ingrown toe has come back! He said that his big toe has a death wish).

Ethan received his mission call the middle of March, and I would have taken care of more things then, had I know how Coronavirus was going to shut things down and affect his mission prep. But maybe it's not that big of a deal, cause maybe he won't be leaving for Mexico anyway and he'll just be here for home MTC and we can still take care of things. His mission assignment still is scheduled to begin July 14th. So, we are just 5 weeks away. We don't know when Ethan will be going to the temple. I heard of a missionary who finished her home MTC and left for her temporary state side assignment without going to the temple, so we're just kinda waiting to see what happens and how it will happen.

The JBR clinic is closed, so as of now the wisdom teeth removal for free via a study isn't going to work for him. So much for calling back in March! We didn't see March 2020 coming, huh! I guess we'll have to pay for that ourselves, so today I set up an appointment for that, too, with "The Wisdom Teeth Guys". I'm going to set up Hyrum's removal asap though, as soon as JBR opens. Hyrum is almost just a year away, it will be here quick, and we don't want to have to cram like we are with Ethan. Ethan is going to have lots of dr. visits when he gets back. We did just get dental insurance with Corey's new job, and that's the first time we've ever had that! And I called to see if or how much it covers for wisdom teeth removal, but we weren't in the system yet, our application is still processing. So I'm waiting on that. I called the dentist where he had his exam to see if they think he has to get his wisdom teeth our not. Cause they are not bothering him. And I didn't get mine out until after my mission... so maybe he'll be ok and won't have to get them out now. I'll be driving out to pick up Ethan on Jun 27th. I scheduled an appointment for E to go see Dr. Dave on June 29th to get his opinion.

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