Saturday, June 27, 2020

Saturday Outing

This morning was the usual morning routine: Peter woke up crying, nursed him, then got his diaper changed, got dressed, and then he shook things up by walking into MOD's room and started flipping through books.
Cute little guy.
He is sweet and he won't be little for long, so I keep telling myself to not think I'm a victim to him and his nursing, I can set some boundaries or figure this out. So what did we do today - we still don't have a good schedule, but the kids did work a little bit today. And then my niece Aurora "Ro" came over (who is staying with my parent's for a few months) and we let Daniel and Natalie attack her, and then Corey took her and some kids out for some fun. First to the Quarry Trail for a little bike ride, then back home for a bit, then to play some Frisbee Golf in Murray I think. Again, no pictures of their outing. I tried to send them to myself, but they are all stupid HEIC images instead of JPEG or PNG, so I can't open any of them. We'll see if I try again. If I don't, I would like to wish my children and posterity good luck finding them among Corey's millions of picture files.

While Corey and the older kids were gone at their frisbee outing, I was here with the littles. Daniel was trying to climb in my room to reach a toy unicorn (my Moonbeam and Firefly My little Pony babies from my childhood.) He made a tower with a bin, yoga blocks and a pot....
And the pot fell and broke. He said sorry, it was an accident. I started to sing that familiar song as I threw the broken pot pieces in the garbage and started to vacuum...\

Ring the bells that still can ring 
Forget your perfect offering 
There is a crack in everything 
That's how the light gets in.

but I changed the last line to "and some things get totally destroyed"
I liked this pot, too bad for me. I guess I haven't planted any flowers for a while, so no biggie. For the past year I was using it to hold some of Peter's toys. One other thing from today - I was asking Joseph, my pest control selling kid, to help me identify this pest, cause it is out of control around here.
He thinks it's a "squash bug". We don't have any squash anywhere, so I don't know what the freak these guys are doing here but they are EVERYWHERE and I broke out the Raid for a DIY pest control job today. They are kinda like Box Elder bugs, but I don't see any of the red ones, just these little gray ones with kinda orange abdomens. They almost look like these kissing bugs, but they don't have the stick-like mouth. We might need to get pest control, cause these guys are driving me nuts. Joseph and Ethan, too bad you didn't knock on my door, I would be a quick and easy sell. But Dewey isn't in Utah, so Ethan recommended Orkin, I'll look into it. Or we'll see if someone knocks on my door. These bugs have been around for a few summers, and maybe we've waited too long and the damage is done and they have a colony somewhere. Or they might all be flying over here from the dead cottonwood tree at the end of the street in front of us. I don't know but ugh I am so sick of these guys.

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