Monday, June 29, 2020

Park City and Anzack Park

Corey and ALSN spent the night up in Park City at the Westgate Resort. Corey booked a week up there for Father David, our Catholic priest friend. He arrived here in SL today and Corey will take him up there tomorrow. So since Sunday night was open, Corey decided to go with the girls. It was a smaller room that only sleeps 4, hence the small group of them that slept over. Corey took the fiesta up yesterday, and then today Mel took the van to drive up herself and EHW. I don't have any pictures of their fun up there, but I hear they had fun swimming. I was glad that MEHW were able to sneak off without ODP noticing...
Thankfully they were engrossed in play downstairs, busy with all of Lily's stuff. She's worked hard finding lots of legos and remaking all of her dragons for like the 3rd time. I thought ODP were being pretty careful and didn't destroy or lose anything that I'm aware of. Peter was being such a stinker this morning. He woke up way too early, and I tried to nurse him back to sleep but he woke up when I tried to get away. I did't have anything left to give, so I said no more, and he didn't like that. So then he got as far away from me as he could and cursed me.
I know he just was tired, but he's got to teach himself to go to sleep. Peter, I can't nurse you to bed all the time! He just raged at me from across the room and I laughed.
Then I remembered that I had another trick of my sleeve. This one used to be my trick that worked on 3 year old Ethan. Ethan, like Peter, would fall asleep if he'd just hold still long enough. And cleaning their ears makes them hold still for long enough, so yay, P took a nap and I got away undetected.
I spent lots of time cleaning today as I listened to scriptures and General Conference talks, it was great. I cranked up the speed of my cleaning a notch around 4, cause we had company coming at 5pm. Ethan was scheduled to be ordained to the Melchizedek priesthood at that time, so my parents and Corey's parents and a leader from our Stake leadership were coming over. That was a very nice event, which I will try to document later. Then we hurried out to Anzack Park, close to my childhood home, for a fun picnic and activity with the Hibberts. (I just googled that, and it's actually spelled "Antczak" - how weird!)
My little brother and his family are in town from Texas for a reunion that they had up in Idaho, and they are heading back up there, but they came down for a few days here. So we all met up and it was so good and fun to be together! We had a few games of Spikeball.
Cousin Aurora was so nice and kept he toddlers happy on the swing.
More spikeball - the games getting intense! (none of us are very good yet)...
Spikeball spectators -
We had some snacks for dinner - mostly fingerfoods, like chips, cracker, fruit and cookies. Then we went up for a game of Ultimate Frisbee. I went to see the game, and it was Wrides vs. Hibberts!
And with that division of people the teams were even! Peter watching the game. He never got ran over, yay.
I think the Hibberts won. I did make one pretty sweet catch for a point though! ...and missed the rest of the catches and made lots of bad throws for the rest of the time. And then we went to the lower field for an epic soccer game. The teams for that were mixed and we had a few walk on's of kids that were at the park, so that was fun. There was a picture of me playing while holding Peter, Corey did that too. It was a fun game, Abi scored like 5 goals! It was good to run around. After that it was getting dark so we started to wind things up. It was a good to be together!

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