Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Staples Out

Yesterday marked one week from when Daniel cut his head open and had to go in for stitches/staples. So we were supposed to go back today to get them removed. I told this to our doctor (and neighbor) on Friday when Owen went in for his kindergarten shots. He gave me a staple remover and told us to just come by his house and he could do it, would save us having to come all the way in. Or that I could do it too if I wanted. I told him I've taken out stitches before but never staples. He said it's easy. (Corey took off a cast once!) So I said I'd try or I'd text him on Monday. So last night I sent him a text saying we could come by anytime that didn't interrupt their dinner or FHE. As I waited for his reply, I looked up a few videos on youtube on how to remove staples from the head. Daniel was asleep on the floor cause he had woken up super early, I thought he was probably pretty out of it, maybe he's tired enough that I can take out the staples... I went over with the staple remover and attempted to touch it and pull it out. It made Daniel stir and squirm so I thought I better not. But then I watched another video, saw that I tried it wrong (don't pull it, just clamp on the staple remover and it pops it out) so then I tried again, and Daniel squirmed a little bit but I quickly got it out and he was still asleep! Hey, look at me! That was EASY! One down, two to go! My confidence came too quickly though, cause on the second staple, I did something wrong or it was stuck to the scab or I don't know, cause I clamped it up, then there was a small bubble bursting of blood and it started to quickly drip out as Daniel said "OW!" and woke up crying, Doh! I hurried and picked him up and carried him to my bathroom so that blood wouldn't get on the area rug. "Shooooot...." I said to myself as the poor kid stood there crying with blood dripping down his head again all over his shirt and onto the floor. "Doh! That was stupid!" I didn't see what happened and worried I had just ripped the whole scar open somehow... And I thought "Corey's not gonna like this!" as I imagined us going back into the kid care and Daniel having to get 3 staples in again... "Hmm! What happened?" "Oh, haha, I tried to take out the staples myself, silly me!..." In the tub, we washed it off and the bleeding stopped and it looked like I didn't split the whole thing open, phew, but I was not going to attempt that last staple. About that time I got a text from Dr. S and he said to come by anytime. I texted that we were on our way. I told Daniel "Let's go to the doctor!" and he came to the car for our drive down the street. Natalie, Owen and Peter came too. We quickly left without telling Corey what I had just done to D's head. I was fully prepared to confess my pretending to be a doctor transgression. "I got the first one out now problem, then the second one bled a lot..." "Yeah, it's very common for them to bleed. Come here Daniel!" and D laid on the table. He told his son to dance for D, but the last staple was already out before he had a chance to perform
"All done!" "Can we play?" "Yeah! Go play"
I stayed and we visited for about an hour. Natalie, Owen and Daniel had all grabbed face masks, that had been left in the car, and put them on before we knocked on the door. They played with their masks on. They have a great backyard and zipline and he made the new playset, (Dr. S knows how to weld!) so fun. It's kinda funny to see the kids on the playground with masks on. This is the new normal! Abi had made a birthday cake for Corey and we all had some before we came, except D cause he was asleep. So at their house he went in and got himself to a bowl of cereal.
Oh nice, sorry my kid just went in your house and helped himself to your kitchen and food! (Update: Wednesday, Abi talked to one of their kids tonight and it turns out he hadn't helped himself, he went in there and asked their daughter for food "Cause I'm just hungry!" so that's a little better manners. Still kinda embarrassing, but he's a cute kid and they were very nice to feed him.)

Last night, back at home, we shared my birthday blog post with Corey and the kids and we read a few of the stories and laughed. Good times, good memories.
Corey appreciated the thoughtful tribute. Another pic from yesterday... this is Daniel.
There are quite a few pictures of me asleep on toilet when I was a kid, so I thought that was funny. This is our first kid to fall asleep on the throne. But like I said, he had gotten up super early and was pretty exhausted. Yeah I wasn't in a good mood cause I had kids from 6:30 am. Which wouldn't be so bad if they'd go to bed before midnight, but the kids have to give us parents a break... we can't do 6am to midnight! Peter has been super high maintenance lately. I was grateful that Wes held him as he slept.
Peter had a bit of a fever last Thurs night, was ok Friday, felt a little hot again on Saturday and I gave him some tylenol. Maybe he has covid and is going to die. Maybe it's cause his teeth are coming in. He was in a sweet mood today (Tues) though and was being lovely and back to his sweet self and playing.
This evening, Corey and Wes played some roller hockey in the front yard while I worked on turning our weeds back into dirt. It's kinda nice working outside. I could maybe get into gardening...
I absolutely love our roses! I should probably learn how to properly take care of them and prune the bushes.
We have a ton of them right now though, yay!
I'm glad they come on their own. That's the kind of plants we need in our yard. Flowers that come back each year without any effort or help from us.

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