Friday, June 19, 2020

Thinking Caps and Date Nights

The kids have been wearing these baseball caps for the past few days. I had bought them for their 72 hour kits in March when we were at the beginning of the pandemic. But they got them out and have been putting them to good use. Owen in his cap.
Natalie woke up pretty early this morning and came downstairs with her thinking cap already on. Corey and I were awake - Corey eating before he went to work, I was washing dishes. I noticed Natalie got some yogurt from the fridge and was intently devouring a book in between bites...
Whatcha reading there, Nataloo?
She replied "Listen to this! It says '...they must repent or that great city Jerusalem must be destroyed...!!!!'" and then she looked at us with big eyes and an "Uh oh!" expression on her face. Then she took another bite.

Back to the book...
It was super cute. We talked about what would we do if someone told us that the great city of Sandy would be destroyed. She said, "If we were bad, we should just kill ourselves..." That seems a bit rash, sweetie. Maybe it might be better to, perhaps... repent? Cause we shouldn't kill ourselves. She clarified her thought by saying that if we were bad we wouldn't be obeying that "don't kill yourself" rule either. I asked her why she got up early when everyone else was still in bed. And why she was reading her scriptures? "Cause I made a checklist..." She showed it to us:
1 Make bed
2 brush teeth
3 Change
4 Read the book of Mormen
5 Pray
6 Prakes vilion
7 Do chors
8 Wipe the conter
9 Clen windows
10 Mop the flor
Wow! Looks like I'm gonna be getting a lot of help today! But, when little girls wake up early...
...they take early naps. I get it, it's hard to be so productive all day. Cute girl. Lucky for me though, Melodie finished her last final for Spring term at BYU, and so now she's actually here and present at home and can help! Yay, cause she's really good at helping! So we cleaned her room, which she shares with Owen and Daniel, and has been a mess since the triple bunk beds were put up last month. And then I asked her to put away all the random things that had cluttered top of the closet, and she just took initiative from there. She got the stuff off the closet, the stuff off the cupboards, dusted and wiped it all down, then started wiping and dusting the tops of the book shelves too, yay, I love it!
Thank you Mel, it's great to have you back! And I think I get her until September now, cause she doesn't have online school or lessons, so yippie! She's still working at Costa Vida in the evenings, but I'll have plenty of time to take advantage of her cleaning and organizing skills during the day. For date night, Corey and I went by Beaumont Bistro, which we both like, and we went and ate it at Canyon Rim park. That's a nice park, we should take the kids there. I don't think we've been there since Joseph was a toddler. Covid19 caused adjustments to our date nights, but now that restaurants are opening up again, Beaumont Bistro has now moved up to our monthly date night restaurant list. Our frequented date night restaurants are:
  Monthly or Bi-monthly: India House, Blue Lemon, Bandits, Beaumont Bistro
  2 - 4x a year: Epic, California Pizza Kitchen, Wasatch Broiler Grill, Olive Garden, Chuck a Rama, Braza Grill, Red Butte Cafe, CoreLife, Archibalds, Costa Vida, Zao Cafe, Gourmandise. And we like Red Mango for dessert only nights.
  Once a year - expensive places like The Roof or trendy places like Cheese cake Factory that just have annoyingly long lines, or new places Antica Sicilia (Nov 2018) or Layla Mediterranean Grill (Oct 2017) that we'll try and like, but not enough to get it on our monthly radar. Or places that we try that are fails and we're not going back to cause it was too weird (Provisions Oct 2019 - I ordered a soft bun mushroom thing that was super good but really too small portion wise for the price) or too crowded (Salt City) or too expensive for too little food (The Charleston Aug 2018, last pic) or places I like but Corey doesn't much (Aubergine) or places that we're "meh it's fine" about (Cultivate Nov 2019)

Last time we came to Beaumont, they gave us some free pastries and that was such a nice surprise! (Unless they accidentally gave us someone elses order?) But they were so rich and tasty, but I don't know what they were called so we can't order them again. "They don't have pictures of the pastries on the drive through order board, and we can't go in to see the pastries to point it out. Maybe next time the seating area will be open and we'll go inside. But it's a good restaurant, and I enjoy our weekly dates.

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