Monday, July 13, 2020

Covid in the House?

I've got good news and bad news. Bad news: We're sick. It started last Thursday with Daniel having a runny nose. Then Peter got it and also had a slight fever over the weekend. I didn't give him Tylenol or anything and it went away.
So there was a little something going around, and then this morning, everyone was feeling sick. When I came downstairs this morning, Wes was already awake and he said "I got like 2 hours of sleep last night, my throat hurts." 30 minutes later, Hyrum came down. "My throat hurts. I couldn't sleep last night." At 9:25, Lily came down stairs wimpering, and I said to H and W under my breath "her throat hurts..." then she cried "Mom! I've been feeling sick! My throat hurts and I couldn't even sleep last night!" I told Lily that all her siblings feel her pain and she found comfort in that. And then a few minutes later, Natalie came down with a squeaky voice, "Mom?" Lily quickly interrupted and asked "Does your throat hurt?" "Yeah..." SO - they're all sick and laying around.

Good news: We got new furniture for the front room for everyone to lay around on.
Lily reading, Wes sleeping, Hyrum lazing
Wes was the worst today and had a fever of 100. They all had sore throats, some mild coughing now and then, but Wes and Abi also said they had body aches, like growing pains. We googled the symptoms of covid several times:

Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting

Doh.... Wes kinda had 6 of them - fever, couch, fatigue, muscle aches, sore throat, runny nose... And with all of the kids feeling sick today, I was a bit worried this might be something pretty contagious for them to all be feeling sick. And so since Wes was the worst, I texted our pediatrician and he sent in a referral for Wes to be tested for Covid. I took him down after our online violin lessons were through (I texted her that we are sick so should do over zoom today). They have a drive through clinic at the hospital so he was able to get texted from the passenger seat of the van. I called, they found the doctor referral, then they came over and gave me a paper and then they had him blow his nose and cough, then stuck some thing up his nose and swirled it around for 15 seconds. He said it felt weird and kinda stinging like when you get water up your nose when you're swimming, but he handled it like a champ, glad it wasn't one of the toddlers that needed to be tested. If Wes has it then we probably all have it, so yeah, we'll see! I feel calm and at peace, we'll get the results back in 5-7 days according to the paper they gave me, but the lady said 2 days, so yeah. Good luck us. So the kids just took it easy all day. We watched the Little Mermaid together which was funny to watch with the older kids offering commentary through the whole thing. I made this little thing for by my desk in the bedroom as the kids watched the movie. It was white and I painted it black over the weekend.
It's got our three high school graduate's tassles, some missionary legos, two flowers Mel made, a Christus statue Hyrum gave me for Christmas, and a little cactus made by Mel, a Granite rock and pin of the Arizona temple to represent my mission, and a little train and pewter unicorn, just little knick-knacks and memorabilia. It's by my desk on the wall. I need to clean my desk.
I cleaned it a little as they finished the movie. Then we chilled and talked. Wes and Hyrum brushed Peter's hair and he really liked that.
If they stopped, he'd grab the comb or brush and put it back in their hands...
"Do it some more!"

It was cute. Stay safe out there, we hope we'll stay safe in here.

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