Saturday, July 11, 2020

More Birthday Fun and Work

Today Corey made a nice big breakfast for everyone. I got kids up and they had to make their beds and clean their rooms before they could eat, so that gave Corey time to finish enough crepes while we worked. I think it would be a great idea for us to do this again - one parents makes breakfast, the other parent gets the kids up and going.
Crepes, mango juice, oatmeal, fruit. Grumpy Peter...
We haven't had sit down dinners much lately. We're not really on a schedule, so kids wake up at different times and eat at different times. One day this week, Mel came home after working 11-4, and she brought food, so the kids ate that and then no one was hungry at dinner time, so I just made something for Corey. I'd like to be on a schedule, not sure how to make it happen. So this morning it was nice to sit down together. I hope we do the tag team for breakfast and waking up kids again. One reason why we all picked up the rooms and I didn't let them quit was cause we were getting the carpets clean today. I texted to schedule it this morning, I was happy he had an opening at 2. He goes a great job, Jon at Aspen Cleaning. I'm a firm believer in the Rotovac carpet cleaning system. The summer carpet cleaning has been a good established policy - we got the carpets cleaned before Joseph left in June, then I did it last year while everyone was in Park City. We were happy to get it done today because we have new furniture coming for the front room on Monday. So the room is clean and clear and ready for the new sofa, two loveseats, two chairs, and an ottoman. I think we should cancel either a chair or one of the loveseats, but I'm letting Corey drive this decision again, like with the three triple bunk beds, and I'm not as reluctant about it this time.

My mom and Ro stopped by with Natalie's presents right when the carpet cleaner was here. So we had plenty of soft seating in the kitchen, ha.
Corey made subway sandwiches, Natalie opened her presents. My mom was super busy yesterday finishing an audit before the July 15 tax day, so that's why she came today instead of yesterday.
She also accidentally forgot it was Natalie's birthday until 9 pm when she called to apologize, funny. And she called to ask what toys Natalie likes. I said I didn't know, that's why I took N shopping with me, so she could choose. She kinda likes everything.
I didn't tell Natalie that Grandma Hibbert forgot, but now she will know the truth when she reads this! But don't take it personally. It just means your birthday lasts longer!
She got awesome shimmer and shiny clothes and twisty pets toys.
Then they went outside to eat cake and jump on the trampoline sprinkler.
Natalie just got a new swimsuit from grandma, super cute Natalie!
Daniel jealous of the presents.
Owen knows his birthday is next, so he kept saying "Now it's my birthday?" Not for two weeks buddy! Not that you understand what two weeks means, esp in this new quarantine time warped world. It will be after we go to Park City though, so that will help him know the timing. It's the Monday after we go to Park City!

Tonight Corey did a Costco run, and he took Abi and Wes, they went by Scheel's to get their bikes fixed. They also each bought some Hawaiian sandals for themselves. Last night Corey and I drove up the canyon for date night. We went to the Steak Pit. Pricey food, but it was a nice view and right by the creek.
But we can't go there again, too expensive. If we're gonna pay that much, we're going to go to the Roof. I took Peter on a walk tonight. After Corey's Costco run, he went to his parent's to get some work done, and Ethan was gone with the fiesta, so Mel didn't have a ride home after work. I told her to start to walk home and I'd walk down there and meet her half way. It was a good workout. I smelled the roses before I left. Very pretty.
We're enjoying our last few nights with Ethan. He's going to do MTC at his grandparents house. This is not what we thought would be happening when he opened his call in March. The new normal seems to be "we'll see what happens, who knows!"
Also, I fixed the black board last night, I was glad to finally get that fixed. I'd like to get working on home projects of decorating and functional things.
This month I have a goal to hoping to go through all the many frames I have in the basement and to order photographs for them and decorate the walls a little. Good luck self!

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