Monday, July 20, 2020

Hooray Monday

Peter had his usual "I'm grumpy" wake up this morning, and then he was cute and playing with Owen.
Playing with blocks and clapping for himself.
Owen made a temple with the blocks, hooray! Good job Owen!
I was happy to actually have a little bit if time to sit at the computer today - I spent most of my morning blogging, up until lunch time, then practiced violin with the girls before we had our lessons at 4, we had to wear masks to our lesson, cause Covid is on the rise, yay.

Corey worked late today. I texted and offered to pick him up since it was really hot outside. On our drive home, Father David called Corey to ask for help - He and Iveth and Diego are having a hard time applying to rent a house together. I got home and found a few rentals on the KSL classifieds and we called a few to see if there would be a problem renting to them. Corey talked with one lady and explained their situation - A nice latino family and a Catholic priest are hoping to find a house they can rent together and hold daily mass in.... Corey was being the middle man translating between Spanish and English, and took a picture of them to send to the property manager at one of the rental homes we were able to reach.
She said they looked nice. And they are nice. Hopefully they'll be able to find something that will work for them, although we are sad that they are moving away and that they I and D don't want to learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ or the Book of Mormon or Joseph Smith. We haven't asked Father David any direct questions yet, but have shared some things. If they move I guess we might not be able to, darn we missed our chance! So Corey went over there with Abi around 9:30 and talked for an hour, I was outside with Peter and he started to walk up the street in the direction he had seen Corey and Abi go. But didn't see where they went, so he just kept walking and I followed him to see where his curiosity took him. The pitter patter of his feet in the street was totes adorbs.

Today the church announced that some temples will be opening to Phase 2 next week, which will include the live endowment ordinance, which is what Eth and Mel need. So yay, we might be able to go with Ethan to the temple! Maybe we can drive up there during our Park City vacay next week? I suggested to Corey that maybe we could drive out to Billings Montana for them to receive their endowment, since that is one that is opening. Oh wait, Star Valley would be closer, just under 4 hours! But then Corey said it's only for members residing within the temple district. Darn. Hopefully some of them here in Utah open up before Eth leaves next month. He and Mel are missionaries

A few notes from yesterday - Ethan came home to visit for his first Sunday of online MTC. We did the regular Sunday stuff: sacrament, scriptures, and a nice meal. In the evening we all went to Waterford to play soccer together.
Then back home for a few games of Spikeball until Corey took Ethan back to his grandparents. Corey, Mel, Eth, and Wes playing...
Peter, Daniel, and Owen back on the slide and trampoline.
A pretty summer rose I took a pic of before we headed out to Waterford. I love these roses.

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