Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Four Kids to the Dentist

Today was a dentist check up and cleaning for Lily, Sophi, Natalie and Daniel. Sophi is the only one of these four that has been to the dentist before. Go me for finally getting this done. Daniel had been so sad that Owen got to go to the dentist and got a new star wars tooth brush and floss picks that he doesn't want to share and then Owen got to go again and got a bouncy ball and ninja prize and poor Daniel hadn't been able to go even once. Well, today is your turn, Daniel! He's ready for some x-rays
He looks pretty little in that chair. I told LSN about this dentist trip, but not Daniel, cause I didn't want him nagging me about when it was going to happen. But today I woke him up and we headed out, lucky boy! Getting his ready for some x-rays.
Sophi's turn for x-rays
Daniel was his usual cute self, as he told the dental hygienist "I like your hair!" She had some festive fourth of July-ish looking ribbons around her pony tail.
He was the first one in the chair and first one done, and walked around showing his sisters his new tooth brush and floss picks.
Three kids getting worked on - Lily on the left, Natalie in the middle, Sophi on the right.
Natalie watching a movie after she was all done.
And the verdict is: Lily - no cavities! Yay! But she is going to have 8 sealants put on her molars. So she gets to come back next week. Sophi - she has five cavities tsk tsk, and needs four sealants too. So she gets to come back twice next week, one day for cavities, the next day for sealants. Some of her cavities are behind/under where her fillings are from last time. I am going to supervise her brushing and flossing more. Natalie has four cavities and needs four sealants too. And something interesting about Natalie - on one of her left molars (L) she does not have an adult molar growing in underneath it (#19) so her L is her #19 and she's got to keep that tooth her whole life, so we've got to help her keep that tooth extra clean and healthy. So Natalie gets to come back. And Daniel isn't coming back. He does have a cavity on the smooth surface on the back side of one of his front teeth, which they said they aren't going to fix for whatever reason. She said it's a weird place to have a cavity and said for us to just brush it well. So hopefully that tooth will be ok until it falls out I guess.

Back at home today, we loved watching Peter in the back yard as he tried to chase and catch the little lawn moths. (ha, that link - I never would have thought that there was a "moth photographers group") Here he is, amazed that the fluttering fairy disappeared again... "Where did they go?"
Then we'd walk over where it landed to brush the grass and spook it to get it flying again. It was fun. Today at home I read a lot in the first Del Dowdell Lehi book, and I sent Iveth a text about houses for rent, I cleaned toilets, killed stupid Elm Seeds bugs, ate chocolate trail mix and choc covered nuts, finally exercised at 11pm exercised. I was able to exercise cause I put Peter to bed to bed in the closet. I've been trying to prep him by saying "night night" as we turn off lights, change his diaper, and then go to bed. So I changed him, turned off the light, and said "night night" and he looked at me and then at the closet so sad, it was tender and cute, as if saying "no, don't leave me alone!" but I did and it broke my heart but he's okay and I hope he learns to go to sleep on his own soon. I'm still nursing him at night and sometimes before naps. It's my own fault, but it's kinda driving me crazy and I am needing my freedom. I gotta wean this kid.

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