Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Wednesday Stats

I'm going to bed now and wondering what I even did today. I remember I struggled getting up and going this morning. The only photo I took today was this screen shot of a Teaching With Power video -
I listened to his video for Alma 30-31 while I cleaned the kids bathroom, really good stuff! I loved his list on tactics the adversary uses to try and destroy our faith. It's good to know the enemy's playbook to know how to defend ourselves from him. He also gives a list from Alma on six steps to defend your faith. Really great stuff he shared, I am especially loving these lesson this week. I also listened to some Jody Moore podcasts while I vacuumed the girls bedroom, did the dishwasher, exercised a little in treadmill, Natalie and Owen exercised with me and then Daniel wanted to go for run around the block. Natalie and Owen came too, and they were all pretty pathetic. A friend came by with some clothes for the girls, and some for the boys too. I practiced violin with Sophie and Natalie, gave Corey haircut, I gave Wesley haircut yesterday and pretty much buzzed the sides and then did a quick cut on top, I like buzzing! It is a lot faster. Today I also gave Owen and Daniel haircut and Peter a little bit, they all took a bath after.

Wesley has been reading to his sisters the tennis shoes among the Nephites books. Abi and Hyrum and Wesley all went over to help Sister Maynes with yard work. Wes came came back a little early to go boating with the young men youth group in our neighborhood. Melodie and Ethan went shopping for missionary clothes in Provo, Cory started to talk about college stuff with Hyrum, since he's up next on deck.

Ethan asked for some help paying for his missionary clothes, Corey's thinking of making some kinda deal with him. We need Ethan and Hyrum to pay for a new computer though cause they ruined another one. Ethan had used the kid laptop and left it in the basement on the floor, then had a big bowl of Epsom salt water that was next to it that he used to soak his toe. Hyrum went down there and was playing xbox and accidentally kicked it over on the laptop and so now it's ruined.
Also today we scheduled for the living room furniture we ordered to be delivered, so we're going through with another big purchase. And that was what we did today.

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