Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Dentist and Pet Bugs

Owen has had a big cavity in his front left tooth for a while. I first noticed it when helping him floss. We've tried especially hard to keep it clean until we could get it fixed. Today was the day that finally came for him to go get it checked out. Owen was a very good patient.
He has to wait until next Thursday to get it cleaned and filled. Blah! It's ok, we can do this! We can keep it clean for another 10 days (I hope!) And they said he also has like 4 more small cavities on the top of his teeth cause he had deep grooves, so we're gonna get those taken care of and sealants put on those too. $300+ bucks total, hooray that we have dental insurance for the first time ever or it would have been $1000.

And another fun thing - we've found a good use for all the Elm Seed Bugs. They are now Peter's Pets. 
One good thing about these pets - we don't have to feed them or cage them or worry about them. Peter likes to poke them, catch them, then squish and kill them. 
But no worries about teaching him about death cause his favorite pet is gone, we just say "Oh, where did your pet go?" then we find another bug on the wall or window... "Here he is!" 
It's really fun to watch Peter with the bugs. We still plan on getting some pest control, but until then, I'm glad we've found a good use for these stupid bugs.

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