Friday, August 14, 2020

Belated Birthday

We had a great time camping over the past few days, and it's nice to be back at home and in our own beds.
Today we finally got to celebrate Hyrum's birthday. He turned 17 on Wednesday, but we didn't bring him any presents up there to Bear Lake. Corey's mother brought him presents and a cake. The kids had been waiting a long time to finally have some cake! Hyrum didn't really care... so the little kids were up and clamoring, but H was still in bed. He didn't want any, but I said we still couldn't eat until we sang to him. So we went up to sing to him so that the little kids could eat his cake.
I don't think he appreciated being woken up. He also didn't want a picture. I tricked him to get this one.
Then he blew out the candles for us. Happy 3 days late birthday! Hooray Peter! Time for chocolate cake for breakfast!
"Mom is great! Gives us the chocolate cake!" That Bill Cosby 8-track was a classic in the Hibbert household when we were growing up.
Then I tried to stretch, and I got as far as setting up my mat, and then the kids each wanted a mat...
So we kinda did a little bit of yoga, but I decided to wait until Hyrum was awake so we could do his kick boxing guy's workout.
And then for an early date night, Corey and I took a bike ride up the canyon! It was really fun!
Wes is borrowing our nephew Isaac's mountain bike, so I used that, it was fun. I could get into mountain biking. It was way hard going up the trail.
Corey was nice to wait for me as we biked up, cause I needed to stop and catch my breath several times. It was easier and a lot more fun coming back down, and I am happy that I didn't crash and fall. It reminded me of once on my mission when we borrowed the Elder's bikes to go mountain biking on a p-day. I didn't fall then, but I remember praying the whole time that I wouldn't crash and die. I'm glad that God answers prayers. After we got home, we got ready to go out to eat and went to Core Life. So it was a long date night tonight. Back at home - a little more working out with the jawzrcise exercise thing that just arrived in the mail. Yeah, I got suckered into buying this exercise gimick, good job to the YouTube advertising. Peter was curious as to what I was doing and wanted to use it too.
Lots of ways to exercise off that chocolate cake - yoga, kick boxing, biking, jaw crunches, ha. It was kinda a "miss" birthday wise for Hyrum from us. He wants clothes, so I didn't buy him anything, but will probably take him shopping sometimes or give him money to go buy himself a few things. He is 17 years old, one more year and we'll have another missionary out serving the Lord. (These first 4 kids were really close in age!) 

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