Saturday, August 15, 2020

Missionary Shopping

Melodie and Ethan are going to be endowed in the temple next Wednesday at the Vernal Temple. We are very happy and feel very blessed that we'll be able to go to the temple with them both before Ethan leaves for Missouri on Aug 25th. Today was Ethan's p-day, so today was the day to do get their garments and temple clothes. Corey took Mel and went to pick up Ethan at his parent's house, and then I was sitting at home and thought to myself "You've got lots of sitters here... you should go too!" So I told Abi and Wes that I'd be back, and I hurried out to Deseret Book on Fort Union. They were there and had just started looking around. I got there in time to let Mel know the good kind of garments to get, in my humble opinion (Carinessa). Corey and I both got a few new pairs. None of the garments were discounted, but the dress for Mel was, as well as the robes and other things, we figured might as well get all their temple clothes while they are able to get the missionary discount. We'll probably just keep them here at home for them, and maybe will ship them out if the temples open up again, although it will probably be easier for them to rent them, if the temples do open up.
It was fun to be there with them. Corey was glad that I showed up, cause after he left with Mel he thought I probably should have. Maybe that was when I had the prompting to go. Ethan was being so funny. Now that I'm here typing this up, I can't remember all the funny things he was saying, but he had us all laughing the whole time. Just stupid things that seem so funny to such clean cut LDS missionaries... Like Ethan teased Joseph that his sense of humor was so weird once he got home from his mission, but now Ethan can feel it happening to him. Oh, I just remembered one thing - cause he talked about it in his email this week... I'll just quote him:

This week I finally hit the point where online MTC became a bit of a pain. I’ve loved it, but I've started to go a little crazy being in the basement looking at a computer screen all day. The whole district is kinda feeling it too. It’s just hard to be a missionary by yourself in your basement for 6 weeks. Things that are so dumb I just laugh hysterically at, like can’t stop laughing/crying. And at the worst times too! Me and Elder Hansen were teaching a spanish TRC and spanish was just not working in our brains that day and we sounded very stupid. Elder Hansen tried to tell the lady we were teaching that he’s a “bit tired” which in spanish is “un poco cansado” but accidentally said “un puku cansado” and I absolutely lost it during the lesson. I was laughing so hard I had to mute myself and look away from the camera, and then Elder Hansen couldn’t stop laughing so we were both laughing and crying and yea it was horrible. They record all the TRC lessons so I’m trying to get a copy of our horrible lesson. Worst 20 minutes of my life. Finally she just pretended she had to go and left. She also wrote on the response form that she felt “uncomfortable”. Nice job Elders!!! They should designate a time every week for missionaries to watch clean comedy sketches to keep our sense of humor in check. I’m kinda scared I’m gonna come back with a sense of humor as weird as my older brother Josephs. (no offense Joe!)

So that "puku" line had us laughing, we'd just say "puku" and would laugh. I also thought the "uncomfortable" feedback was funny, "Nice job, Elders!" Another thing, Mel and Eth were trying to find dresses that were petite/short enough for her, and after not noticing any, they asked the lady where it was, and she asked them "Did you look?" and he thought that was so hilarious! and then Mel was laughing at it too. Funny guy, we like that kid and he's going to do great on his mission. It will be so fun to go to the temple together next week!
Aaaand then, $400+ bucks later, we were done. We told them this one was our treat, since they've both been paying for most all of their other expenses like shoes and stuff.
It's kinda nice having children that are adults and learning to live on their own! We helped a lot more with Joseph, since he was just out of high school. But Mel's been in college for a year, and Ethan was on his own in California selling pest control, these guys are all grown up and living independent, hallelujah. So this was our last little gift from us, ha, we'll see.

Back at home, Wes took good care of Peter.
Such a cute little bug... I love sleeping children. And then my mom came by for Hyrum's belated b-day wishes with an ice cream cake for his birthday. Hyrum cooperated a little more for this photo...
But just a little bit....
Smile for the camera, Hyrum!
Blow out the candles!
(Daniel did it for him...)
Well, we love you Hyrum. All you kids are just growing up so fast. And the weeks fly by and the years roll on, that clock up on the wall is tickin'.

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