Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Exciting Mail Day

Today Mel got her MTC package in the mail.
This girl has less that two weeks before she starts home MTC.
So that was exciting for her. She has a 100 day streak on Duolingo for practicing Portuguese, way to go Mel. Her name badges should be coming soon. Exciting exciting. And I was happy today because guess what arrived for me? Not as important as preaching the gospel material (but I think there is gospel preaching going on in this album in the lyrics) I got my Imploding The Mirage CD, yay!
I totally admire Brandon for his courage to stand up to Richard Dawkins in this 2012 interview. I know people bash Brandon in the comments there, but it is true. The Book of Mormon is true! Joseph Smith was not a charlatan, he was a prophet, I know he was. The Book of Mormon is a miracle and it is bullet proof and it testifies of Christ, and millions of people across the world can and do testify that it has brought them closer to God. I can't remember where I read it, but someone was discounting Brandon Flower's faith in Jesus Christ and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, and Brandon's reply was basically "Whatever, say what you want, but I know it has made my life better and my music better." And I loved that - no one can argue with that, that is something he knows personally. I can testify of that too, it has made my life better that it would have been without it! So as I was trying to find that quote first without success, I came across this from Brandon Flowers that I like, from a CBS interview in 2018 - "I don't go to church because I got nothing better to do on Sundays; I really believe it!" he laughed. "I don't know what my life would be like without it. I think I would have been a casualty of rock 'n' roll." "So, it saved you?" "For sure." Also, this interview with Rolling Stones in 2017 was good.

So, back to the new album, I already love the songs they released over youtube - Caution, My Own Souls Warning, and Dying Breed. Dying Breed is totally about marriage, and couples who are committed to each other~

There's gonna be opposition
Ain't no way around it
But if you're looking for strong and steady
Well baby, you found it
We'll weather the coldest night
Baby, we're a dying breed
When everyone's compromising
I'll be your diehard
I'll be there when water's rising
I'll be your lifeguard
We're cut from a stained glass mountain
Baby, we're a dying breed
When facing the wind got wicked
We rallied and raised up
So now if she comes back kicking
We'll know what we're made of
There's gonna be opposition
But we've got everything we need
Ooh, baby, we're a dying breed

So good. Those have been dripped fed over the past few months, and I'm so glad the album was finally released. As for the songs on the album, right now I am also really liking "My God" - I like the meaning behind the lyrics that this person suggested. the Lord is back in business and he's working miracles on this earth before Christ's return. That one will probably be my next favorite. But my FAVORITE FAVORITE THING on this album is this painting that they have in the CD bifold - so so so so so cool!!!! 
ISN'T THAT THE COOLEST PAINTING EVER!?!?!? It made me think of Tim Ballard and Operation Underground Railroad - this should be a painting on their office wall. Those precious children are in horrible circumstances, but there are still angels there helping and watching over them. It took me a while before I found where they said who did the art in the album - Thomas Blackshear. Holy moley so amazing. Corey, feel free to get this painting for me for Christmas or my birthday. Or I'll let you know if I order it for myself. And I'll order this one for Nicole. I've just been browsing around his website - someday in the next life, I hope to take lessons from him (watch that trailer!) and other masters and paint and paint and paint. Maybe I'll get to it in this life, we'll see. So fun and amazing. As for now, I'm so happy that I've got new music to get me through the next year of the pandemic. (I just have a feeling it's going to be around here for another year, we'll see, hopefully I'm wrong)

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