Thursday, August 27, 2020

Owen's First Day

It finally came! The first day of Kindergarten!!! Yay for Owen! A friend snapped this picture at the school.
When Sophi and Natalie left this morning, Owen handled it with stride, cause he knew he was going after lunch. We reviewed that he was number "22" and practiced his name
Cute. We haven't done a lot of drawing or coloring with this kid. His "About Me" poster was really cute. Natalie was worried he would get made fun of, but I'm sure it was fine. Time to walk to the bus. Daniel was excited to go to school too. He was sad he couldn't find his backpack, I told him it was ok, cause he wasn't doing, but he didn't seem to understand.
On our walk down the street, I put on Owen's sticker that his teacher gave us, that had his name and number. Daniel said "Where's my sticker?" "You don't have one, cause you're not going to school yet...." and that's when reality hit. He was sad.
Waiting for the bus.
A few neighbors came with their kids - there are 3 girls in the neighborhood going. One of them has a little brother that Daniel became friends with and so we'll try to maybe get the two of them together since Daniel won't have Owen to fight play with. The bus came a little before 12:30. Bye Owen!!!
One more picture - have a good day buddy! Have fun at school!!
Daniel tripped on the way home. He was walking behind me and tripped on my foot as I walked in front of him. He felt like he scratched pretty bad.
I'm not sure how that happened that I tripped him when he was behind, but he chastised me that I can't do that again.
When Owen got home we asked him how it was. "Did you have fun at school?!?!" "Yeah!" "Did you make some friends?" "No." He said it very matter of factly, and it sounded like a sad thing for a little kid to say, but he wasn't sad. But we still all laughed a little awkwardly and said "Oh, well... sorry about that. But you still had fun?" "Yeah! I like school!" 

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