Monday, August 24, 2020

First Day of School & Ethan's Last Hurrah

It's the first day of school! Abi did not know, when she left for Texas for two weeks in March, that that was her last day. She's glad to be back at Churchill. Lily started at Churchill this year too! Abi is a September birthday, so she's one of the older 7th graders, and as a June birthday, making her on the younger side of the new 6th graders. And Lily's always been little, and Abi's been sharing clothes with her college age sister and me for the past 2 years, so there's a pretty big different in their height.
One cool thing is that we don't have any jazz band this year, so Hyrum and Wesley don't need to leave for high school early, so they are going to take Abi and Lily most mornings! And they are going to pick them up after school too, so that means I don't need to drive any carpool! That's a first in years, ever since Joseph started at Churchill in 2012. The boys weren't thrilled at first to have to swing by Churchill or to have to wait after school for an extra 40 minutes, but I told them it's a fair exchange to save me time and for the privilege of having a car. But I took Abi and Lily today with the carpool kids, just for fun as a temporary farewell to carpooling, and so that I could take a picture of Abi and Lily.
Here is Hyrum and Wesley's photo before they pulled out at 6:50 this morning - They didn't really want their picture taken, so, this will have to do.
Natalie and Sophi off to school at 8:30. Say cheese!
Haha, j/k, let's do one without the masks, you don't need to put them on when we're outside.
It's going to be a year they will all remember I'm sure. Owen had his orientation today at 10:30. Waiting to see his teacher ~
He insisted on bringing his back pack. I'm crossing my fingers that he'll be okay waiting until Thursday to start. 3 days can be a long time when you've already waited months. A picture of him smiling with his teacher.
He's smiling, trust me. He was able to see her better when she was back at her table.
After they sat down she put on a clear face shield and a desk shield. On the way home, he said "I love my teacher!" So it was a great first day for everyone and I told Owen he can go in 3 days, and he seemed to understand and be okay with that.

Tonight, for a farewell tribute to Elder Wride, we played a game of ultimate frisbee with my brother and his family, who were so nice to come down from Layton to play with us. We went to Waterford. Everyone warmed up with a few rounds of spikeball. Corey, Joseph, Ethan and Hyrum on the left ring, Wesley, Conner, Mikey and Sam on the right.
I missed most of their sweet plays, but there's a couple of good ones in this video

I sat on the hill with the little kiddos and ate apples.
Then the game began. Our last two games with the Hibberts were family vs family (Game 1Game 2) but during both of those matches, Neil had Grant's family that were able to join the Hibbert side so the sides were even. If this one was Hibberts vs. Wrides, they would have been outnumbered. Our power is in numbers! So some of the Wrides had to join the Hibbert side this time. Since Joseph and Ethan are both young and spry, Corey nominated them to be team captains and to choose their teammates. Ethan had first choice. He was trying to decided between choosing his Dad or Uncle Neil, cause the Hibberts won both of the past competitions. "On one hand, Neil has never lost.... On the other hand, it would be bad to loose to both Joseph and Dad...." He chose Neil. Joseph chose Corey, Ethan chose Hyrum, Joseph chose Conner. On it went. The teams were:

Ethan - Neil - Hyrum - Mikey - Amy - Lucy - Abigail
Joseph - Corey - Conner - Sam - Wesley - Mel
Let the game begin!

I joined Corey and Joseph's team a little bit when Peter let me. Natalie got a few pictures of him practicing his frisbee skills.
Cute kid.
I walked onto the field to get a video of Daniel, who was being quite entertained with a plastic bag from our apples, and a stick he found.
He was in his own little world, walking around the field. He miraculously remained un-trounced as he played with his bag and stick. Super cute.

So it was neck and neck, point and point, and tied 6-6 when Wesley made an amazing catch securing the win for Joseph's team. Ethan couldn't believe it. He just wanted to go away with a win! But this way we'll be sure he comes back home, cause he'll be itchin' for that rematch in 2 years.
Teaching Peter to throw. Peter will be ready to join the game in 2022. He'll be about as big as Daniel is now!
And that will be good, cause he'll probably be able to throw the frisbee forward by then!

After that, I rode Corey's bike home (he biked to the park from work) and they all stayed there for another hour playing spikeball and visiting. Back at home, I got dinner ready and we had root beer floats for our FHE treat. Then Ethan started to finish packing and we got the kids to bed for their second day of school tomorrow. Most of the kids went to bed at a decent time, but the older kids all stayed up goofing off. Joseph tried out the latest exercise gimick I've bought into - Jawzrcise!
Work that Jaw! 
Hey, JAW is Joseph's initials! Joseph Ammon Wride! Joseph, that could make you an official spokesperson for the product! I don't think he's sold on the man binky, but it was funny. We stayed up too late for the early morning we're going to have tomorrow - the plan is to take Ethan to the airport at 3:45.

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