Sunday, August 23, 2020

Last Sunday

On the typical Sunday morning around here, Corey wakes up and makes crepes for breakfast. The kids all like it and I appreciate it. 

Today I made a contribution to the meal with some hashbrowns and eggs. We wanted to have a nice feast since this is Ethan's "last" Sunday with us (even though he wasn't here for breakfast). We had a nice lunch of hummus wraps and salad. Corey and Joseph went down to Ethan's cave.
Corey and Joseph read while Ethan finished packing up.
Ethan almost ready for his second transfer (last pic here was his first transfer)
We had lunch at 12, then hung out while Ethan wrapped things up. We took over the hand art to give to Wayne and JeNeal. It was made at the 20th year at Park City, so it's our anniversary family reunion art gift to them. For the final touch - everyone signed their name by their hand.
I signed for Owen, Daniel, and Peter.
We did the sacrament with everyone at 2, and had a little testimony meeting and let everyone offer Ethan any advice they had. 
We left around 4:30 so we could be home for dinner as a family. I took a few pictures of Ethan at his desk where he's lived for the past 6 weeks. 
Posing for the camera, to show how he looked when he was deep in spiritual thoughts. 
Joseph's been looking into buying a scooter for himself down at school. Jeremy gave him some advice and showed J his scooter, and then all the little kids wanted a ride. Daniel, our little thrill seeker, loved it.
Natalie's turn
When we got home, there was a little back-to-school gift on the front step from the lovely family in our ward who minister to us
They are seriously so thoughtful. We texted a picture to say thanks
Some people are just great examples of service. They make me want to do better and be better. The kids opening and sharing new notebooks and pencils. School starts tomorrow!
It's a big day, our last Sunday with Ethan, also the last Sunday before school starts. 
Everyone look at the camera! When it was time to serve ourselves up, Peter went to grab the lid of the potatoes, but it was hot cause Corey had been keeping it in the oven to stay warm. It startled him and burnt him a little bit, not badly it mostly scared him. 
He shriveled up into a little ball and whimpered and we were all "Oohhhhh!!! Peeeeeterrrrr!!!"
His little lower lip was so sad! We gave him lots of love to help him heal.
This was our first and last time with everyone at the dinner table together, cause Joseph and Ethan were in California when we bought this in May
After Eth came back, we were still missing Joseph, but now J is done! "We're all together again!"
We had steak and potatoes and salad and broccoli and it was a feast for dinner as a final tribute to Elder Wride. 

"A toast! To family!" (That part in the video was something Lily said at Thanksgiving last year that made us all laugh so it's become a family quote. Not many sayings become memorailaized, so good job Lil!) We spent a nice evening at home and just enjoyed being together. Wesley made a keva cage for Owen.
I see you, Owen!

We let Peter break it.

I built it around Daniel after Owen was done. It was a nice evening at home. Tomorrow I'm going to take Ethan to run a few last minute errands and then he wants to play Ultimate Frisbee at Waterford one last time, so that will be a fun FHE activity. Then he's on his way early Tuesday morning (like we have to leave home at 3:30 cause his flight is at 6). This is happening, It's been great to have this extra time with him, thanks Covid! But whenever you want to be done pandemic-ing us, that would be great, cause we would like Ethan to be able to go to the Dominican Republic! 

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