Thursday, August 20, 2020

Sad Pete and Piano Eth

Yesterday, due to our temple trip to Vernal, I was away from my little Peter for about 10 hours. This is him yesterday morning, it's as if he knew what was coming.

Oooh little Peter! Don't be so sad!
Then he reminded me that he wasn't sad about me being gone for so long, this is just his usual morning mood. 
His nickname is Grumpy Peter. He's still super cute, even when he's crying. 
He was fine after a few minutes, it's just a daily morning hurdle he has to get over. He gnashed his teeth upon me for like 10 minutes until I got food into his mouth. We did turn to breakfast pastries today for deliverance. 

It worked. "I'm not ill-tempered in the morning, I was just hangry."

Yesterday I thought the earliest we'd be back was 9pm, and I told them the latest would probably be 10:30. Reality was we arrived home at 12:30 am. That meant Peter went to bed without me, and without nursing himself to sleep. He didn't handle it great, but he survived. Today he has been super clingy and not letting me out of his sight, except when he was asleep. Sweet little boy.
A huge thanks to Hyrum, Wesley, and Abi for their service and sacrifice last night. They made sure everyone practiced their instruments, and they cleaned the kitchen, and they had everyone in bed. It was awesome. I joked that we will have to leave them more often! A few more photos from yesterday - I picked up Ethan first and then we went to the airport to pick up Joseph who is home from California! Ethan told his MTC group that he had to leave to pick up his brother at the airport, and then sent a photo of Peter in his carseat, as if Peter was the brother he picked up. Yeah, he's just a very mature one year old who knows how to travel alone from California. 
Just kidding, it was Joseph!
We got home. Joseph, who had stayed up until 3 am and then slept the night in a car in a Target parking lot, was very tired. He showered and got ready while Ethan entertained us. 
First he played "American Pie"
Followed up with some Bruno Mars "When I was your Man" en EspaƱol even!
It was very fun and we all enjoyed his performance. 

Today he's back in the home MTC at Corey's parents house. They have a piano and they enjoy the music Ethan plays. Ethan's MTC experience will end this weekend and he will probably come home on Friday and we'll be able to have a few full days with him before he leaves for Missouri early Tuesday morning!

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