Saturday, August 22, 2020

School Starting Soon

It's been nice having Joseph around the house this weekend. He's hanging out until Ethan leaves next week. We thought Ethan would come back Friday but he's still there. He wanted to leave today to run errands but I told him to pack up and get organized there while he still has a good space to work in and peace and quiet, and that we'll do the final errands on Monday. So we're all going over to Corey's parents for lunch and we'll have the sacrament over there, and then we'll come home for our "last" Sunday here at home together. There are just so many "lasts" in life, so that's why we usually put it in quotes or make quotes with our fingers when we say it, cause it's a joke cause there's always another last that will come later. 

So Joseph is here for the weekend. Early this morning, he woke me up at 12:45 am by tapping our bedroom deck with a rake. He had been outside talking to a friend on the phone until very late and got locked out. He checked every window and door and had no other choice but to disturb us. I was glad I heard him, but I was like "what in the world..." and was wide awake after that, so I blogged until 3am. Today was a good day. Corey went biking with kids - we'd drive up the canyon and drop them off and they'd ride down. I'll try to find Corey's pics cause he took a few. Joseph watched Peter for me while I drove them up. Peter didn't want to be around Joseph at first, but Joseph won him over by playing ball with him.

And then Joseph taught him a trick of "hold the big ball between your legs and Peter really liked that.

He's got the hang of it. 

Then Joseph would fly him around the room and flip him around and upside down.

And then Peter wouldn't let Joseph stop playing.

It was cute. 

Classes start for Joseph on the 31st, but he'll be going down next week because he starts teaching at the MTC on Wednesday. He checked into his room at BYU at 11:00 am on Wednesday before we headed to Vernal (we were cutting it close, which is also why we were a little late leaving on Wed), then he moved in yesterday. Corey used Joseph's moving on campus as an opportunity to give Father's David a little tour of BYU. Corey also knows the MTC President and so they were able to give Father David a tour of that too and he was very impressed.

I don't know much else about the tour. Corey said that Father David was impressed with the detail in the visual art works there, as I was when I took a tour two years ago.

Ethan got to get a photo with the MTC map! Not many missionaries have had that opportunity since March. Mel and Joseph did too, I don't have those pics though. To future family historians, go look through Corey's files.

A few pics from yesterday - Wesley discovered he has a rare talent for nostril music playing

Featuring one of the songs from the Penguins of Madagascar. 

Kids playing on the trampoline outside yesterday and enjoying a little bit of ice cream.
This was ice cream that Natalie bought for herself with a gift card she got for her birthday that we recently found (Abi found it and took it). Natalie shared her mermaid ice cream with friends. We can pretend it's an "end of summer" party. I love watching Peter eat and seeing how he holds his spoon and he's just adorable.
My sweet little boy.
"Why are you always taking pictures of me, Mom?"
Kids are headed to school and after Owen goes to kindergarten, I'll just have Peter and Daniel at home. I wonder if I'll get on top of things or if I'll still feel behind on life. 

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