Friday, August 7, 2020

Sick Days

Corey's been sick. Wednesday he just didn't feel very well, but then yesterday and today he's been full on in bed and feeling horrible. Poor guy. I picked him up some Pepto Ultra this evening and he said it has helped. Hopefully he'll be able to function tomorrow. Here's Peter asleep this morning. He's not sick, he's just cute.
I don't know why but I just love taking pictures of this cutie when he's asleep and looking o-so relaxed. Then when he wakes up ye his o-so cranky. Here is grumpy Peter yesterday morning.
Peter, you're fine! You have nothing to complain about. But he just wakes up with a chip on his shoulder every day, it's funny, and thankfully it usually only lasts for a few moments (lasted a bit longer once in June, pic 2). And here's Corey not feeling well yestserday
He was kinda holding his breath in gut pain most of the day. And while he tried to recover last night the kids ran around and around.

Today's been a normal mom day for me here today - just trying to hold down the fort and try to attend to Corey and get kids to practice and clean and read. Kids practiced their music. I think Peter has made great progress.
Peter the Pianist

So there's a delightful motherhood moment for today. The rest of today was normal stuff, but it's all good. 

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