Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Playing Around

We're just kicking at home today. Corey is feeling a little sick so he worked from home. For the kids and I, today was full of the usual. For me that is cleaning and hanging out with Peter and a little violin. For the kids that means goofing off and playing. Lily and Sophi have been working hard on Legos every spare minute and didn't come to practice until I made threats to take their lego houses.
They are typical kids, so I guess that's good. No prodigy's here, just kids that complain about practicing, who have also been told it doesn't matter if they complain because they will be required to practice their musical instrument until they graduate high school. What do you thin of that, Peter?
It was cute, Owen came and practice, he's still blowing in the trumpet pretty well for a 5 year old. Peter was trying to copy his sound -
but it sounded like a little baby car or motor boat.

Peter was making that sound last week at the pool in Park City as he pushed his little toy boat around in the water. Brrbbbbbb... You're cute, little Pete.
Mel did something fun today - she went and bought Mentos and Diet Coke and they had fun trying to make it explode. Wes first tried by putting the mentos in his mouth, then drinking the Diet Coke. Prob not a smart thing to do, but I wasn't around to stop them. Then they also taped the mentos to the lid, screwed the lid on, shook it, and threw it at the pavement, which I guess is some trendy thing they saw online. This was the best launch they got on video.

They had a lot of fun. I'm glad they enjoy being together and goofing off, doing things that I'd probably tell them not to do. Tonight, they got more ideas for future stupid things to try as they watched videos with Corey.
I know that's not the best pic, but I do think it's fun when everyone is huddled around a phone and laughing and stupid videos. Good times

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