Thursday, September 10, 2020

In His Own Bed?

With Mel gone now (MTC at Corey's parent's house) I gave Abi permission to move into the bedroom with the little boys. But we had originally been planning for that room to be the little boys room. But three little boys in one room together would only work if they are well behaved and go to bed willingly. I don't think we're there yet with Daniel and Peter. Mel let us know that Daniel kept her awake many a night. But Corey really wants Peter out of our bedroom (yes I'm still nursing him) so we're gonna try. But I still think he'd need some older sibling supervision if he's not in our room. So I did decide for Abi to share the little boys room with Daniel (top bunk) and Abi (middle) and Peter is going to be on bottom. This is your new bed, Peter! What do you think? Here he is trying out the bed yesterday.

Owen helped him know how having a bed is done... "It's easy. You lay down in it, and then you stay in it. So simple!"
I tried to help Peter sleep in there last night. He cried, Abi got out of her bed and tried to help him, Then I heard him and came and got him and brought him in on our floor. I'm down to mostly just nursing him before bed (occasionally for naps if I'm feeling desperate). We moved Owen from the top bunk in the little boys room into the middle bunk in the big boys room with Hyrum and Wes. That was a spare bed for Joseph or Ethan to use, but they both preferred the blow up mattress, so now it's Owen's bed. Owen is still loving kindergarten so much. He is not understanding directions, but that's ok cause he's so cute and he tries. 
Going over his homework. He didn't do it right, but he still gets an excellent mark, cause we love kindergartners. I love his name on top.
Here he is at the bus stop with his friends today. 
It seems like most days, he is the only one there, but that's ok. I'm enjoying our brief lunchtime walk up the street and he finally knows to wave to me now as I'm walking home and he's in the bus going around the block. I wish I could get a photo of his cute little silhouette waving at me through the bus window as they drive by, it's one of the highlights of my day. 

Today I sent Ethan a package of a jody jazz mouthpiece and some reeds. He said it was an emergency so he messaged us yesterday and today helping me find the right things to send. And today I also finally was able to drop off a donation to the DI, yay! They are really booked with donation times so it was like two weeks out and I've had quite a pile of junk. I'm going to schedule again soon, maybe I'll give myself a bi-monthly drop off to make sure we keep things leaving this house and not just coming in! 

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