Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Melodie Set Apart

Melodie is officially on her mission. She was set apart tonight and then left with Corey's parents to start her online MTC experience over there at their house like Ethan did, in their nice quiet house.  

I sent a message to Ethan to let him know what time Mel was getting set apart, in case his mission President would let him call, and he did get permission, yay! So this was the only other pic of tonight cause my phone was turned into Ethan's virtual presence. 
President Hill from the stake came over to set her apart. My parents and Corey's parents were here. After the setting apart, she's official - she put on her name tag. The church's name is in Portuguese, but it doesn't say Irma Wride, it says "Sister Wride" cause they've adopted that English word into their language I guess, just with a Portuguese accent, sounds like "Sees-tur". Joseph also came up from BYU to join us. You can see him in the background in the first pic above. He was pitching to Hyrum how much money Hyrum will be able to make if he joins him selling pest control next summer. Joseph was here last night too. He flew back in from Florida around 6p, when we were almost arriving at the Great Salt Lake. He took an Uber to Corey's parents house, where he was able to teach his MTC class (He got a job teaching there, he likes it) and then Corey went and picked him up and he stayed here last night. Corey took him to the train early at 7, since we were all up and starting the school day. Oh, so Joseph was flying in from Florida yesterday, cause he went out there last Friday for a little opportunity that happened to open up for him with Moxie (who we bought from on the day that Ethan was set apart... Hmm, we've apparently got some planets aligning around here with pest control and missionaries) -  Last week Joseph asked for our Moxie guy's phone number (Daniel) and so I texted it to him, then they went out to lunch with some other guy in the business, and Joseph might sell with them next summer, or he might do Dewey again, but I think Moxie was trying to recruit him and telling him he could be a sales team leader in Pennsylvania where they are going to open up and would make even more bank with them. Then they were having some thing in Florida and had someone cancel and invited Joseph, so Joseph and his friend Talmage both went to Florida. They took a red eye, got like 3 hours of sleep, then spent a day at Universal (fun). I think that was last Friday. And then whatever meetings and presentations on Saturday. So Joseph was telling H to prepare to come join him and sell next summer after he graduates. Or maybe before he graduates like Ethan, ha, I guess it depends on what the world looks like next spring? It's up for grabs!

So I'm glad Mel will be at a nice quiet place for her MTC study, and she'll still be able to come home on the weekends for the fun and noise of kids crying and laughing and fighting and playing. This morning, Corey was playing with Peter as he ate his oatmeal, at least he tried to, by roaring at him loud like a lion. Peter didn't like that. 

"Oh dear! You're sensitive! I'm sorry!!!"
Peter is the baby of the family and he plays the roll well. He's got us all wrapped around his finger. Now with Mel mostly gone from the house, we are going to move beds around again. Abi is already moving her stuff into what was Owen, Mel, and Daniel's room (O on top bunk, Mel middle, D on bottom) and she will be taking the middle bunk, we moved Owen into the middle bunk in the room with Hyrum and Wes, and Daniel will be on the top bunk and Peter on the bottom, where he will hopefully/eventually sleep. I am still trying to wean him. We are down to just to nursing at night, and sometimes he falls asleep just snuggling (...if I threaten him with the playpen, but after putting him in there for 10 seconds and get him out, he shuts up and is content to just lay by me on the floor) So we're still working on little Peter, he's cute and adorable and I love him.

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