Saturday, September 5, 2020

Melodie's Mission Pictures

We took some mission photos of Melodie today!
She wanted a new photo for her facebook so it would be up to date for the post she was going to put up to let people know of her "farewell" tomorrow. 
That one above is her new fb profile pic. 
A few of her favorites:
She's a pretty lady!
A serious student of the scriptures...

When Mel was getting dressed today for me to take her photos, she was bummed that her mission tag still hadn't arrived. I got my old mission tags for her, cause I figured people wouldn't notice it. But she would. And then, as blessings would have it, she got the mail, and look what arrived! She puts them on - they have very cool magnets on them that make them hold through the clothes, unlike the pins and clips that I had as a missionary, very cool!

So then we went and took her photos. 
Natalie intercepted us on the way to the backyard, she wanted to try on Mel's tag. A very young "Sister Wride"...
She looks a little unsure. Yeah, Natalie, you're probably too young to be a missionary yet! We want a few more years with you before you go out!

Earlier this morning we took a little drive up the canyon. Hyrum and Abi were dropped off at the top and biked down to meet us at the Quarry trail. The little boys had fun climbing on the river rocks.

Natalie kept trying to stack rocks into a tower, and Owen kept finding her rock towers and knocking them over. 
She didn't like that. 

So we were all there playing on the rocks, except for Mel and Wesley. They had woken up early and gone down to Provo so she could get a hair cut from one of her BYU friends. Wesley went with her cause they get along well and Wes likes hanging out with her and driving together and listening to music together. He is going to miss her. They went to Krispy Kreme and ordered a dozen donuts, and then realized why the line was so long - it was buy one dozen get a dozen free! So they came home and shared some with us. So thoughtful of them! Wes feeling super cool with his new shirt, shades, and eating a sweet donut

Wesley confessed that they hadn't planned to get any for us, it was just cause of the special that they brought some to share. They had eaten 8 donuts on the way home and were hiding the last 4 for themselves to enjoy later. 

A few pictures and events from yesterday - of little boys being sweet to each otheor
Peter's little ears are so cute
And Mel took this photo of Peter on me - 
We were in our room talking and Peter crawled up on me and I stroked his hair and he fell asleep, aww...
It was precious, my sweet Peter.

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