Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sophia is 9!

Happy Sunday, and Happy Birthday to Sophi!
Sophi was holding her violin above because we had to go practice a musical number with a neighbor. We (Sophi, Natalie, and I) were going to play a musical number as part of Melodie's farewell mission send off. Practicing violin is not the top thing Sophi wanted to do first thing on her birthday, but she did good and toughed it out. We played "Lord Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing" (a song known as "Go Tell Aunt Rhody" Suzuki book 1) - we just had to play the first part two times to make it work. We practiced a lot yesterday.

We were kind of reluctant performers. We're just all so musical, right? But two performers, Joseph and Ethan, are gone... and Mel and Abi just did a performance at Ethan's farewell, so they couldn't do it again... Plus Mel shouldn't have to play at her own farwell, that would kinda be showing off. Hyrum didn't want to play piano, darn, and Wesley (trumpet) and Lily (sax) said their instruments weren't reverent enough for Church... so... Sophi? Natalie? They were the only options, and they needed me there for emotional musical support even though I really didn't want to participate. I was comforted by the fact that I was wearing a face mask to hide my nervousness or shame feelings, since I still feel a little silly/sheepish learning violin. I know there are lots of kids in our ward that are better than me. Like they can do vibrato. But thankfully, maybe since it's Labor Day weekend, there weren't a lot of people. Yay. We had to perform twice, since our ward has two meetings - a meeting at 11 for A-J, then K-Z at 12. So we should be going at 12, but we split ourselves up today like we did when Ethan played. My parents came to the 11:00 meeting, along with Corey's sister and her family. Corey's parents came at 12 and then came to our house afterwards to give Sophi some birthday presents. 
Corey made crepes for the guests that came to hear Mel's talk. Lily enjoying crepes, we served Corey's parents too.
Back inside, Sophi opened her presents, and Lily was happy to help and lead out a lot in putting the sets together. That is ok, Sophi didn't mind. Sophi got 4 lego sets, not that we don't already have a ba-jillion legos in the basement. Good luck keeping track of your legos, Soph!
My mom and dad came back over at 5, we shared some Book Of Mormon insights (Corey's been reading a book "Echoes and Evidences" that he is loving) so we talked about that. My mom brought Sophi an ice cream cake. Happy Birthday Sophi! (I couldn't find any candles). Sophi wearing all her new twisty pet bracelets - wow! Lucky girl!
"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday dear Sophi! Happy Birthday to you!" Cousin Rhyan hung out over at our house today, in case you're thinking one of our kids looks unfamiliar.
So they've been playing legos all evening. I wish I did more reading today, but I feel like I do more listening lately than reading or blogging. I am loving a podcast called "Talking Scriptures" if you want to go just get excited about the gospel and Biblical history and the last days, it's awesome and I love to geek out over how cool and amazing it all is! I'm finishing up their podcasts on the Book of Revelation. I started those in Park City and am just finishing. Moral of the story: Jesus wins! so get excited!

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