Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Second Week of School

We're in our second week of school and it's going good. Yesterday and today have been nice and productive. I've made a checklist of twenty one to-do's and I'm pleased that I've checked off more than half. I finally ordered glass to cover out new kitchen table. It should take three weeks for them to make it. The table hasn't been stained yet, but close. I did rub off some of the varnish once getting off some pink that stained it from a florescent paper flyer from school that got left on the table and had water accidentally spilled on it. I swear that happens every time we have a florescent flyer. We also had a close call once with some turmeric coloring from a curry. But I got both of those stains off, and if I keep the tablecloth on it with the plastic cover taped on the table, I have hopes that we might make it through three more weeks. Yesterday I did the monthly Relief Society newsletter, I updated Ethan's blog, today Hyrum Wes and Abi had their dentist check ups (Wes has a cavity, H needs his wisdom teeth out...) and then I also had easy stuff on my list, like make my bed, read, practice violin.... The kids came home from school and got right to work, love it.

I scheduled a time to take stuff to the DI (with covid, you have to make an appointment now), and hug the kids (something I need to conscientiously tell myself to do cause it doesn't come naturally for the older kids, or I'm just too affection spent from the toddlers?) I get a good dose of joy just watching Peter eat his oatmeal for breakfast...

And eating his mac and cheese later for dinner. 
Yes, he wore his pajamas all day yesterday. 
I did give him a bath last night, so he was in clean clothes this morning. Eating a nutrigrain bar with a fork. I love how he holds his utinsels. It's so fun having these little people in our lives.
Peter snuggling with Mel today. He likes looking at videos of himself.
She's outta here in one more week and will be starting her mission! 
She's getting her Peter time while she still can. We spent some time outside today. The fall weather is nice and cool. Daniel loves riding this little kid go kart that my sister Jerusha gifted to us. 
Daniel was showing me how he turns the car around - up the driveway just a little bit, then relax on the brake and let it fall in reverse and swoop around. 
Repeat. We are so lucky to live on a dead end street! 
Daniel looks so much like Ethan did, they are little twins. 

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