Monday, August 31, 2020

Talking to Our Missionary

It was a good day. I went to Costco this morning before Owen left for Kindergarten, I appreciate having Mel at home to watch the little boys. Ethan sent his first email from the field today. He was online for a bit but we missed each other's text, but then he sent another message that he could call at 5:00 Missouri time = 4 Utah time, which was when we were at violin. It was great to see his face and hear his voice. 
I talked to him by myself at first, and his spirits seemed better after Corey joined the video call. I really like that we are able to talk to our missionaries now every week, thank you to our inspired prophet and thanks be to the Lord. So yeah, it was good to talk to him and other than that is was a normal day. Sorry I can't remember much of the call. When it was just me, Ethan was kinda quiet and just looking around the room. He seemed sad, which I would expect. cause Corey and I both know that missions are hard and that they stretch us out of our comfort zones. Ethan's being stretched. I know it would be different without covid, but we don't have control over that. I'm praying for him and his companion, and for the members there in Missouri to give them referrals! And then I thought that I better be getting referrals for the missionaries here in our area. I'm going to do my best to share the gospel light and the joy that it has brought into my life and to my family. I tried for a while to keep my spiritual thoughts on my spiritual blog, but I'm struggling finding time to sit and articulate my spiritual thoughts, so I'll just refer you to a few of the podcasts I listen to. Like each one of these podcasts gives just a ton of stuff to research and study, I'd be on the computer typing all day. But just go listen and read from these guys:
So my #1 current favorite is Talking Scriptures! They just teach with such excitement that I get thrilled with what they share and point out about the scriptures. I've reviewed the chapters on Revelation and I'm going to start listening from the beginning to their Book of Mormon ones. I found these guys by chance one day as I took kids to the dentist, thank you to the youtube algorithm! It knows what I need. These guys are seriously great and my favorite.

Book of Mormon Central is awesome, I love Taylor and Tyler, they do great and similar to Talking Scriptures, I love the insights into words and meanings of words from original Hebrew or Greek or other translations. Great stuff, they have a ton on their website too, I have barely tapped into it.

I like Unshaken, I just struggle making enough time to listen to all of his lectures. But what I am able to listen to is awesome.

Teaching with Power - this is one of the first youtube Come Follow Me guys I started listening to, and he's great. 

The Scripture Project is great to share with the kids cause of the animations. The kids usually aren't interested in any of the lecture ones, so this is good to give them a brief overview of the weeks lesson. 

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