Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Doing Stuff

Let's see what happened today. We ordered Hyrum's cap and gown for graduation. Another year, another Senior and up and coming graduate. I wonder if it will feel weird to not have a senior next year. (Wesley is excited to have the kid car to himself!) I took the snowblower in to be repaired over the weekend, it's done and was only $58 to fix, yay, I'm going to go pick that up this week. Good job us at not waiting until last minute (after the first snow storm) to get it fixed, go team. I continued my book addiction by ordering two books last week by D. John Butler (Plain and Precious Things and The Goodness and the Mysteries) and they arrived today. I heard/learned about him and these two books in the Talking Scriptures bonus episode #73 last week and it blew my mind, so there are two more books that are now in my inbox/"to read" pile. Ok, I really mean it now - no more ordering more books until I finish the ones I already have! Owen and Daniel were busy with homework (sneaking into Lily's colored pencils)

Bedrooms are a bit cluttered and messy lately... Hi Owen! You guys are doing so good at drawing! 
They have been doing faces of guys with lots of Pointy teeth. Peter is still playing with Duplos and being adorable. 
I got some new jammies for him at Kid 2 Kid - and they have little bear ears. We think its's pretty darn cute, and he knows it's cute, which is why he keeps the hood on.
Hyrum stayed home today and said he's staying home the rest of this week to get prepared for an AP Psychology test which is 100% of his grade. So I took drove the kids to school, which kinda messed up my morning, not that I've been doing great at my morning routine anyway. But yeah. Things are good, other than the Mack car not sticking together for Peter as well as he'd like. He gets a little frustrated. 
You gotta start off with small trials like this though, Peter, and little by little, you'll learn to overcome and someday you'll be off facing the world as a missionary or college kid - like Ethan and Joseph (screenshot of our phone call on Monday) or like a parent of a large family!
It's a good thing that kids have come one at a time for us, we get used to it, get stronger, and then stretched again with the next child. I don't think I would have thought I'd be a mother of 12 kids. It's hard, but it's great and very rewarding. I should go put in some more work into though, I need to clean the house. C-ya

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