Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Work Hard, Play Hard

Natalie wanted curlers in her hair last night. I loved her sleepy expression and bedhead this morning, cute little girl.

Natalie told me last week that she had a secret. She wrote the secret on a paper and rolled it up in a scroll and taped it shut. She told us to not open it. 
And I didn't. And then she told me what her secret was anyway. .She whispered it in my ear "I feel like I am not special" so I found out her secret. I opened her secret today, and yup, that's what she told me. (Sorry, Natalie, but I just shared your secret with everyone!)
She stayed home a few days last week, saying she didn't feel well. I could tell she wasn't physically ill, there was just something off. So she stayed home for few days and then has been back to normal this week. I told her if she wants to homeschool that is fine, but if not, she needs to go. I think she got sad after a friend came over for a playdate, cause her friend can do the splits. So now N and S want to get in a ballet class. I am willing to sign them up, but I haven't done it yet. It's on my to-do list. These little girls need chances to try out new things and develop skills that they might enjoy. 
She tried recording herself playing violin today, but she got super frustrated when she made a little mistake and she'd collapse on the floor in defeat. I'll prob upload the video to the violin practice blog later. It was kinda cute, funny, and also I knew she was frustrated. It's just something you gotta push through though!
That's why music and dance and these extracurricular activites are important, so that you can learn that they are hard and require work and effort, and then to also learn that you can do them as you put in that work and effort! They are not working as hard at violin as I'd like, but I could set a better example. Corey's doing great with Abi (flute) and Lily (sax) though. Abi's flute teacher emailed us last week about Abi's lack of enjoyment with the flute, so Corey's helped them do better - they enjoy it more when they know more and do it better, and those things require: PRACTICE. A and L have both been practicing an hour a day for the past week and a half. Good job girls. It's like TwoSet Violin say - just put in 40 hours a day and we can get there!

Owen and Peter being cute today - Owen would let Peter climb up on him and then he'd buck him off like a little bronco. And then he gets back on... (last paragraph) Hey! I'm not giving up today! Sing it: "I will get back 'on' again!!" 
Wes has been trying to catch up on homework. I took them up the canyon for a quick ride down - 
Wes was taking a break with Corey after he put in another block of hours, hoping he can fix his grades somehow (currently failing 6 classes...) They sped down the mountain super fast and back at it. Wes said it was more enjoyable playing hard after working so hard. We're hoping to help them turn that into a daily work ethic, not just near the end of the term. It is a good way to live - work hard & play hard. 

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