Monday, October 19, 2020

Melodie's Departure

Mel left this morning for Indianapolis. Corey and I took her out to the airport (and it was the "new" airport too, woo! It was very nice and quick to get in and out.) I dropped them off at the departures.

I said Corey should walk in with her, cause I got to do Ethan. Lucky for all of us, Mel didn't have to be at the airport quite as early as Ethan did. We woke up at 5:40. I woke up Joseph to see what time he had to leave for BYU or if he could stay for a bit to babysit the kiddos, so yay, we didn't have to take Peter to the airport. The older kids had to leave for school at 6:30, so I was glad Joseph was home, or else after they left, Sophi would have be the only option to be in charge of toddlers (and that wouldn't have worked so we would have had to take all of them with us...) but yay, Joseph was good to stay. He got up to say bye to Mel, but we didn't want to be awake... are we ready to turn on the light?

We need to let Mel see what she's doing... she did the last touches to her luggage.
Hugs for everyone - 
Last goodbyes. 
Then we were off to the airport. We had a nice visit on the drive there. I dropped them off, did a quick loop back to the park and wait, Corey texted when the "package" had been delivered" and it was a quick drive back to get him. It is very nice and efficient at the airport not, I like it. When we got home, Peter was still asleep, as was Joseph, at the foot of our bed. 
So I got the girls up for elementary school, and after that I was surprised that Peter and Owen and Daniel were all still asleep, so I took a nap. We woke up late, and I cleaned and did the normal morning routine - but since we were so late getting up, I didn't realize that I was 2 hours behind. Joseph needed to leave for Frontrunner at 12, and I was like "Oh! That's in 15 minutes!" So we got Owen ready for kindergarten, cause I would take him right to school after dropping Joseph off at the train. But then Ethan called for p-day, and I was distracted by that and I missed at turn... then we hit every red light.... and so Joseph just missed the South Jordan pick up. We hurried out to Draper, and just missed that one too! So we thought let's try American Fork. We would have done Lehi, but we didn't want to just miss it again, so we thought if we skipped Lehi then we'd for sure make the American Fork stop. We talked to Ethan on the drive... he showed us his Halloween costume...
And we hit red lights again, and were hurrying and racing the train, and Joseph got out, but the door was slow opening for him to grab his bag, he ran out, and the train left without him. So then I drove him all the way to Orem. Stupid! And poor Owen was 45 minutes late for kindergarten, the one joy in his life, so sad. He took it well, but I felt bad that he was captive in my car. 
If I had known we'd be late, I probably could have left him with one of the his friends to catch the bus with them. Oh well. So it was a bit of a waste of a morning for me, and a waste of an afternoon taking Joseph down to Orem. I got home, practiced violin, then had my own lesson today for an hour and it was really fun. I got home from violin, Peter and Owen were asleep in my room. Peter is so cute in his little bear ear jammies.
I went to make dinner. Checked on Peter again - he's looked like a little rocket to me.
Then Corey got home, and Hyrum took Corey and I and Wes and Sophi up the canyon for a bike ride. 
Wes zipped down the mountain super fast so he could get back to do homework. It's the end of the term this week, we're hoping he gets his 5 F's up (we hardly know what to think again. it's like he lies to us all term by saying he has all his homework done... We have really learned our lesson this time though and are going to keep him under our thumb the rest of this year) Cute Sophi.
It was almost dark. I knew it would be dark by the time I was done, and since I knew they were going to be behind me, I was a little worried for Sophi and Corey being safe. I paused for a photo of the lovely leaves...
These look orange, but they were red red, sooo pretty.
Ok, sun's down, I gotta book it - I got home, grabbed Corey's keys and ran out of the house with kids crying for me (sorry Wes) and Lily and I drove back up to give them a ride. I hoped they had not started on the road yet. We didn't see them, so we parked and started to walk. I heard something that sounded like crying... I thought "No experienced bikers would be out right now, so that's gotta be Corey and Sophi" and it was! Sophi was crying and had just hurt her leg and they had said a prayer. Corey had left his phone home for Abi to use, so I didn't know where he was with life360, but yay, we found them, and it was a rescue miracle - not quite as dramatic as the handcart pioneers, but should be significant in Sophi's memory. 

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