Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Riding Shotgun

Well Corey is excited, cause the Shotgun seat he ordered was delivered yesterday. This morning before he left for work, he and Owen went and tried it out - Owen was in charge of holding the instructions as Corey worked to get it on properly...

"Ok, Owen! What's the next step?" 
Owen did a good job pointing for Corey. Owen is a cute kid and a good helper. One fun example of Owen being a helper was Wes was catching up and writing one of 5 essays he needed to do for his World History class. Wes asked me if I could help, and Owen heard ask that and then volunteered as he said "Wes I will help you!" "Really?" "Yeah!" So Owen sat down with Wes. "Ok Owen, I need to 'Identify and explain patterns in the development, diffusion, and syncretism of world religions and philosophies.'" Owen looked at Wesley's Chromebook - "Ok, first do the x... Ok. Now do the w." .... and on it continued, until Wes had the answer to his question: xwkecvfabpo. So easy a 5 year old can do it.

After Owen took a bike ride around the block, Corey took Daniel. Corey thinks Owen is a little big for it, but it was a good workout for Corey biking up the hill with them. Daniel's turn...
Daniel's primary teacher had walked by when Owen was taking his turn on the bike, and she delivered Daniel's lesson packet for this week, so they were willing to stop and let Corey leave for work, cause they had a fruit snack they needed to eat. Owen and Daniel sat on the curb and Daniel shared his treat with Owen. Very sweet. 
Cute little boys. 
They played very nicely in the basement today - they made little nests for themselves in the lego bins and with a collection of pillows and blankets. They were eating some Ruffles chips from dinner. 
"No food out of the kitchen." Oh well. The basement is a wreck and I care but I'm not doing anything about it. I have been sleeping in, and the only exercise I've been doing is some handstands. Well I guess I went on a bike ride a few times. I'm not feeling at my prime right now though. 

The highlight of the day was tonight when Corey took Peter on the shotgun. He was very very sad when Corey took him off. I was inside cleaning the kitchen and I heard bloody murder screaming, and I thought "oh man, they fell down and Peter got hurt!!..." but no, Peter was just ticked that he wasn't still riding. So then we gave him a jacket, put pants on him, and Corey took him again.  It was so cute. I took a photo but it was pretty dark - 
SO CUTE! He loved it. His straight legs barely reached the pedals. (We'll give him shoes next time - his little toes were cold, but we didn't have time to find socks and shoes, we just had to get him back out there ASAP!!!!) When we really were done, Peter cried, Hyrum held him while I washed dirty feet, and Peter fell right asleep right away in Hyrum's arms. He is a lucky baby to have so many siblings that love him and take such good care of him. HWAL didn't have school cause of the end of the term, so they were finishing up assignments and Corey and I have kept Wes under our thumb. I emailed one of his teachers and after that email, his teacher called him to let him know that he currently had the lowest grade in the class. Wes was able to fix it in 30 minutes, yay. One done. It's 11:30 right now and he is up working on Math, even though it's too late to turn in the assignments, Corey is helping him finish cause he needs to know how to do it, and maybe his teacher will have mercy. I was in charge of staying on W's back with his World History essays. He had 3 he needed to make up. Wes told Joseph yesterday that it takes him about two hours to do an essay, and they are only like half a page that they need to write, but it took Wes SIX hours today to do one essay, he's killing me. Needless to say he didn't finish the other two in time, maybe we'll help him do it tomorrow and will email that teacher too to beg for mercy too. I hope he's done enough to pass the class, we think he might need to do all online next term. Hyrum found out that he had an F in one class that should have been an easy A (he didn't do any of the assignments...) These kids. 3 are off on their own, we're working on getting kids #4 and #5 ready to leave, hopefully they'll be prepared to survive in the world, and then we'll only have 7 more. 

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