Thursday, October 22, 2020


In a Marco Polo this past week, I mentioned how my boys are really into cars, and then my little sister Patrice sent us a box of the cast iron Disney Cars that her boys don't play with any more. The package arrived yesterday. ODP were fighting a little bit over them last night, but this morning, with P out of the way (still asleep) Owen and Daniel learned how to cooperate and they were being very cute and sweet together. 

They went straight to the cars after they woke up, even before asking for breakfast. 

This is a great collection and they are in car heaven, thanks Trice! I sent some happiness in a box today too, to Mel and Ethan. Ethan had let us know this past Monday, that ALL his roommates get packages ALL THE TIME, and he hasn't received squat from us! I told him that that is not true - "I sent you your mouthpiece that you wanted! That was a package!" (sent Sept 10th) "Well... there wasn't any treats in there or cards, I expected a letter or something..." Well that's true, that's true. But he had texted us with such urgency to get that to him ASAP that I wasn't thinking of anything cute or loving, I was just thinking "MUST! SEND! NOW!!!" so I hurried to the UPS and shipped it asap. Like it sounded urgent! Here is our text from last month (wasn't on a p-day, so it caught us off guard too) (And Corey was a little bugged that E didn't "ask" for it, but rather kinda demanded it, which was something about Ethan's tone and entitlement that bugged Corey when E was our teen here...)

Mom, Dad-
Ethan • Sep 9, 6:33 PM
Corey • Sep 9, 6:33 PM
Sep 9, 6:33 PM
Really should not be messaging you, but I need you to mail me my alto mouthpiece, neckstrap, and alto reeds, as well as the soprano mouthpiece and reed. When's the earliest you can get it here?
Send it to 1850 Craigshire Rd Suite 205

St. Louis, MO 63146
Ethan • Sep 9, 6:34 PM
is there one that you can borrow there?
Corey • Sep 9, 6:36 PM
I can mail things tomorrow but I'll need someone else to gather the things cause I don't know what or where they are
Sep 9, 6:37 PM
Not really. If you can send them to me I would appreciate it. I would send them back when I'm done. Dad knows basically where it all is. Everything in the top pocket of the blue alto sax case. Can I count on you guys? I need it ASAP
Let me know ASAP so I can stop messaging you and go ask god for forgiveness
Ethan • Sep 9, 6:39 PM
I think I can overnight it tomorrow, so Friday would be the earliest it would come
Sep 9, 6:43 PM
That would be fantastic. Don't hesitate to send me more than you think I might need. Remember,
1) my jody jazz jet 7 alto mouthpiece
2) several alto reeds
3) neckstrap
Ethan • Sep 9, 6:56 PM
is your mission President OK if you have your saxophone?
Corey • Sep 9, 6:56 PM
4) soprano mouthpiece and soprano reeds
I don't have time to answer questions. I need to go repent for messaging you. Just please send it as soon as you can. Thanks. Love you guys!!!
Ethan • Sep 9, 6:57 PM
Don't send the soprano mouthpiece. Just soprano reeds will do
Ethan • Sep 10, 6:41 AM
Hey E, it's $80 to overnight it, $50 for 2 days
Regular shipping is $16 and would be there Tues
I don't want to pay 80 or 50...
I think I'll just send it regular?
I have an hour until they close, so I'm going to go back home and think about it
Sep 10, 4:01 PM
I think the sax was only $180 to buy
Corey • Sep 10, 4:21 PM
that was just to ship the mouthpiece
it was just the mouthpiece he needed I think
Sep 10, 4:24 PM
Don't spend money. Just get it here ASAP but without spending a lot of money.
Ethan • Sep 10, 4:40 PM
K, I think it will be there on Tues
Sep 10, 4:41 PM
I just need my mouthpiece, neckstrap, and reeds. Can you send a picture of what you're gonna send over? I wanna make sure it's right
Ethan • Sep 10, 4:41 PM
yea just sec
Sep 10, 4:44 PM
So yes but also no
That's the tenor mouthpiece. Do you have the alto one? Did you already send it?
Ethan • Sep 10, 4:44 PM
I didn't send it yet, I'll go look
Should be in the alto case?
Sep 10, 4:45 PM
Blue alto case yes
Ethan • Sep 10, 4:46 PM
There's not a jody jazz mouthpiece in there, just a plastic black one
Sep 10, 4:47 PM
That's the right one
Not all Jody jazz are silver
Can you send a pic?
Ethan • Sep 10, 4:48 PM
Sep 10, 4:51 PM
Send pics without ligature from all angles
Ethan • Sep 10, 4:51 PM
I don't know what that means
Sep 10, 4:52 PM
Take the black leather thing off
Ethan • Sep 10, 4:53 PM
Ooh wait I found it
Sep 10, 4:54 PM
There we go. Now make sure the ligature is with it
And reeds
Ethan • Sep 10, 4:54 PM
So this?
Sep 10, 4:55 PM
There we go
But more reeds you send the better just to be safe
Ethan • Sep 10, 4:56 PM
K I'll go ship it, but might not get there until Tues
Ok more reeds
Sep 10, 4:56 PM
Perfect thank you
P.S. dear heavenly father please forgive me for messaging my family
Ethan • Sep 10, 4:57 PM

I probably didn't need to include that whole dialogue in this package story, but anyway, that's how it went. I didn't really know what he needed but he needed it asap but I didn't want to bug Corey at work, but I also didn't know where the stuff was or what Ethan needed... so he's lucky he got that. But I admit, with Ethan being here stateside, I have been less diligent since I know that I can mail a package any time I want, unlike with Joseph! That was a big deal to coordinate how to send him stuff - his first package... Christmas package, birthday package, last package in Nov 2019, and once a delivery from him to us via temple square. It was more complicated way "back then" plus we didn't talk to him every week. I admit we've been slacking off. Well, today I did better. I mailed him and Mel both packaged (and I mailed my ballot, yay I voted) Before I sent the package, I had to go by Deseret Book to get a bag for Mel that she wanted that we didn't get. And a journal. And I wanted to get the Chosen on DVD to mail to my dad's cousin Judy, and Des Book was out of DVD, they did have blue ray, so then from the store, I called Seagull Book and they had the Chosen in dvd, yay. I also got Ethan a few tie bar clasps at Seagull. I also got the Chosen dvds for us, so we can watch it upstairs in our room too, and so that we can support the Chosen, we're excited for season 2. I hope Judy likes it. I told her to get through epside 1 and 2, and then it's easy after episode 3. And I returned a LCR Health teleogenesis thing - in the white box... (I didn't feel any different after 30 days, felt like it wasn't worth trying for 60 more, yay for 90 day money back guarantee... on to the next scam on my list) Almost ready to go - here are Mel and Ethan's addresses if any of y'all want to send them some love via snail mail - 
I didn't know what to send E, so I had the kids write letters, and I gave him a bag of granite rocks (like I gathered for Joseph), then I stuffed it with chips, rice krispy treats, and a ding dong. I included this family picture that Natalie drew a while ago - 

I thought Ethan would get a kick out of how she depicted Hyrum.

I showed that to Corey and the kids, Hyrum got a kick out of it too. He said that once Natalie left a note of encouragement on his desk with a drawing and she said "Join the fun!" She thinks he's always in a bad mood, and I can see why she thinks that. It is funny. I didn't insure Ethan's package cause it was mostly rocks, which made it expensive already. Which is why I told Mel to get rocks and get enough to last her whole mission, cause I'm not shipping rocks to Brazil. 

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