Friday, October 23, 2020

Eye Exams and Padawan

There was no in-person school for the kids today. That made it a good day for eye appointments (I'm liking this "online Fridays" thing). There was one reason it was not ideal: we had to get up and going "early" (the appointment was at 9.... pretty pathetic. My mornings are struggling...) Hyrum and Sophi were overdue for exams, and Lily went with them cause she had been saying that things were blurry. They all got their eyes dilated...

and that always which is always fun to not be able to see for the rest of the afternoon. Hyrum needed Wes to help him read and send texts on his phone. It was funny. Everyone checked out good - Lily doesn't need glasses, so that's good to know. I'll get Sophi and Hyrum new glasses, Sophi's frames are broken - she wears a headband everyday to hold them to her head. Hyrum is thinking about getting contacts. If he does, he'll prob go to America's Best, the eye care club there makes that a good deal. 

Back at home, little boys are awake and playing nicely. I loved how Peter was sitting on Owen's back, watching as he and Daniel wrote on the magnet board.
Later I helped Owen with his school packet for his at home school today. Daniel wanted to do homework too, so I got his school book that I bought at Costco. 
Daniel was coloring it so carefully and intently. Owen had to color apples green and red, and he quickly scribbled on them just enough to mark them in their color. But Daniel drew differently - I was helping him with a color by number page... He loved it. "Mom, this is so fun!!"
We might have another artist on our hands. He was working on the dog's red and purple shirt for 20 minutes coloring in every tiny white space. (I did the pink ears.) I left before he was done, and I don't think he finished it today. Something really funny though while I was there helping them both with their "homework" - I had my hair up in a messy bun and I was looking like my usual not done up self, and Daniel looked up at me, and he winced as he looked at me and politely asked "Can you put your hair down?" I laughed and thought I knew what was the intent behind his question. He doesn't think I look very pretty with it up. I put it down and showed him "But now it makes it so hard to color!" because my hair was down touching the paper we were working at coloring. It was kinda funny. Daniel is very vocal about when I look so pretty. For date night once, he told me how he liked how I had lipstick on my eyes! (aka eyeshadow) He's funny.

For Owen's homework, he also worked on his expo number sheet. Then he washed it off in the sink, like he saw me do once. Then I noticed that Joseph's ABC book was sopping wet - he had drawn on that and went to wash it off too - 
But he soaked it and the paper inside the lamination got wet along the binding edge, where the lamination was cut for the holes. I was a little sad. I hurried and wiped up the water... darn it! I am hoping that the water stain on the paper won't be too bad. But if it is ugly and makes me sad to see his book from now on, I wanted to document the day that it got messed up. It has survived for almost two decades, so even if it is slightly unsightly now, it held up pretty good. Good job, little laminated book. Here's another pic of Owen and Peter being cute as they watched a movie (probably Cars) - 
I got that Yoda costume for Owen, but he's not sure if he wants to wear it, so we tried it on Peter. Peter will probably be Sulley, but this should be an option for next year. I love my cute Baby Yoda!! 
Peter puts the Madalorian baby Yoda to shame. Here is Peter with the yoda robe minus the ears - just going for the young Jedi look - 
Cute little Padawan eating raman.
Peter is the cutest. It's fun having a little doll to dress up. 

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