Saturday, October 17, 2020

Pumpkin Carving and Bike Rides

We carved pumpkins today - I was very impressed with the children's work - Lily's sick pumpkin ~

Wesley's cannibal pumpkin and Daniel's Superman symbol pumpkin.
Wesley's is very impressive. (Now back to work! and go make your grades look that good!)
Owen is very proud of his Owen Pumpkin. It has his name and number carved in it - Owen 22!
Mel and Hyrum worked together on this "Elmo burning in El Infierno" creation
And Abi's and Natalie. Abi made me laugh so hard when I saw hers. She took FOREVER deciding what to do, and then it actually took her like 2 minutes, so funny, a little face with a carrot nose! Ha!
I helped Natalie draw on hers with our plan of a cat, and she is going to wait to carve it until next week, that way it will last until Halloween. So here's how the day went today - Corey and Mel were going to go to the store and run her errands, but the little boys were following, so we took them for a ride in the car instead. We drove up the canyon and dropped Corey, Sophi, Lily, and Mel off so they could ride down the canyon.
That was at like 11:30. But then I had a car full of little boys that were sad that they didn't go on a bike ride, so I told them I'd take them to the store. I needed help to take 3 boys though. Natalie and Abi came with me and ODP to Costco. We saw a Trump parade driving down state street as we went, Abi thought that was funny. When we got home at 1, our bike riders weren't back yet! But the arrived as we were unloading the groceries from the car. It was Sophi's first time down the mountain, and she did great!
Then it was time to carve.
Everyone working hard.
Owen, a very intense student of pumpkin art.
Hyrum and Mel working on their beautiful Elmo creation. 
Testing their work in the bathroom with the candle behind. He like it, but might try to cut the pumpkin thickness a little thinner around the eyes to lighten them up somehow.
While they were doing htat, Corey ran an errand to the music store to pick up instruments that we dropped off for repair. I ran to Kid to Kid to buy Halloween costumes cause they were 50% off today - it worked out good cause Sophi needed some vampire attire. I also found this cute Sulley one for Peter for $3 bucks! (He's so cute!)
Then Corey said he'd take Mel and I up and drop us off. Ok!
That was really fun and beautiful ride, but very bumpy! 
I kept thinking of a how President Nelson said recently: “the road ahead may be bumpy, but our destination is serene and secure. So, fasten your seatbelt, hang on through the bumps, and do what’s right. Your reward will be eternal.” Bumpy rides aren't scary or bad, and neither are the last days. Hang on! Do what is right! Be prepared, and it will be ok! Maybe it will even be wonderful. We stopped by the quarry to pick up some rocks for Mel to take on her mission (like Joseph got for his mission)
The granite rocks from the temple quarry, to me, represent: Work, Home, Family, Sacrifice, Commitment, Determination, Covenants, Truth, Eternity, and most obviously Temples!

After we arrived back at home, Corey said Wes had been working hard and they were going to take a quick biking break. I drove them up the canyon. 
They made it back home in 20 minutes! "One more time?" Corey asked. "Want to come with us?" It was almost dark, but I said sure, and sure, so Hyrum took us up.
Wes sped home so he could get back at his chemistry homework. Corey went slow with me (but I went decently fast I think!) We were home in 30 minutes. And I didn't crash or fall, yay. The trees were so beautiful, and the sunset was amazing. My heart is full, life is just beautiful. Corey went to pick up Joseph at the Frontrunner Train Station. We are happy to have join us for Mel's "last" day tomorrow. Life is so good.

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