Friday, October 16, 2020

Park and Mel's Back

I am proud to say that I took my kids to the park today. And they all had jackets and shoes, unlike on other outings we've recently gone on. We went to the park with two friends of mine that I love who always check in with and "minister" to me. :) We had a fun time. Lily was the big kids that all of our kids liked to harass, so I appreciate Lily taking that bullet for us moms. 

Daniel liked being a "big" kid to my friend's little boy who they call Bear. Daniel was the leader in play and Bear and Peter followed him. They took a pause and put themselves on the bench and I got a kick out of that. 
I didn't want to interrupt their play, but I did want a photo. They were being cuter than my phone captured here, but this was still a good pic.
I was at the park with LSNODP. HWA were all at home doing homework. Wes really has a lot to catch up on. He/we didn't figure it out mid year last year when W and H had Ds and Fs, nor after a very merciful end of the year where with quarantine all they had to do was NOT get an F and pass the class. They barely eeked out of that one alive. Corey and I are at a loss of what to do to help him stay on top of assignments. The end of the term is next week, come on kids, Hyrum might get his first 4.0 which is great, and we are pushing Wes hard now that we're aware again of how bad he got behind... we hope it's not too late for him to get his grades up. We'll be praying and will help out where we can, Wes! Abi wasn't working on homework today, but she was reading, which is good. She is into a book for the first time in her life - Twilight. Not my favorite, but we'll take what we can get for now as she learns how to get lost in a book.
Corey and I went out tonight at Ruth's Diner up Emigration Canyon. That was my first time there. I noticed it when I took Lily to a friends house last Saturday. It was pretty fun and I enjoyed it until I tried my meal, then I was like "darn it." I did not like the smoked salmon salad, I was kinda gagging. I do want to go back and give it another try, I'll get the beet salad next time. I thought the photo of Ruth was really fun. Corey said "I bet she had a lovely smile! ...when she didn't have a cigarette in her mouth." and from that third picture, she did have a lovely smile. 
We picked up Mel on our way home. She's done with home MTC and ready for her second transfer. She enjoyed her home MTC experience at Corey's parents' house, but she is also tired of classes and is ready to move on. Well your lucky Mel, cause here it comes! Give a hug to your MTC President and say good bye.
(see the handprint painting behind Wayne there? 😊)
They are going to come over for lunch on Sunday and then my parents are coming over for dinner. Should be fun. Two days before she heads out to Indianapolis. She has a few errands to run tomorrow but we hope to have as much fun on her second "last" day with us as we did on her "first" last day. Oh, and one more thing... tonight we told the kids of a little something that Corey booked late last night. It might not work out, cause Covid makes all plans tentative, so we're praying to not get sick and we hope that the political climate doesn't cause the world to get shut down, so we'll see. Maybe it will work out! Natalie's already written it on her calendar, on October 12. (I also loved how she spelled Las Vegas on Oct 11th).

So how did we get to the point of thinking we can go to Hawaii? Well Corey wanted to do something with Hyrum, like a college trip like he did to Boston with Joseph, or for E when he went to Texas, or when Mel went to Colorado. Corey thought he and H could go to Chicago and visit the University of Chicago, cause they keep sending H stuff about college. I said "Why go to Chicago. What you should do is go visit Southern Virginia University, then you could go to VIRGINIA!" and I thought H would like that idea, cause he's really being enjoying some o f his US history classes lately. But then later H suggested maybe to visit BYU Idaho, but who wants to just go to Idaho, so how about BYU Hawaii. And Corey said "I can't take you to Hawaii without taking your mother" (darn right!) and so then Corey was seeing if he could get us all there and Owen Daniel Peter too with his Skymiles. Peter would be free, and we couldn't think of who we could leave O and D with. As Corey explored options, he found some cheap flights out of Las Vegas. Then he also found that if he made the trip longer, it cost less miles. "If I add an extra day, I get another kid!!" He was very pleased with his discovery. And since the kids have the online option right now, it should be easy for them to stay on top of school. So it's booked! And fingers crossed, we might be able to go! And that is how he went from a 4 day trip for CTHODP to visit BYU Hawaii to an 11 week stay for CTHWALSNODP at the Marriott. "We need to do it! We will be helping the economy! Well... not really cause we used Skymiles and our timeshare. ...we'll be helping in spirit!" Lol

Mel is sad that she will miss it, but whatcha gonna do? We all have to just keep trying our best to live life. We did invite Joseph, but he'll have to work it out with his schedule and see if he can, and book his own flight. We have a place for him to stay if he can make it! Last night, as the kids asked if this was real and "Is everybody going?!?!" Mel wimpered "Yeah, everyone but me..." which is a sad line by Laura the carrot in the Veggie Tale movie Jonah when she lost her ticket to the Twippo concert, funny. When Mel said that I lol'd. She was glad that someone caught her quote. We'll take you next time, Mel!

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