Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Socks, School, Boys' Bedroom

Today for Red Ribbon week, it was Crazy Sock Day. Sophi represented her heritage by wearing some fun socks that her Great Grandma Helen knit. 

Helen used to give all the adults a pair of socks for Christmas. I think she might be the original Stance sock. I don't wash them cause I don't want them to wear out, but I do get them out each year on crazy sock day. The kids wear a pair of socks underneath and we put them away right after they get home, so that we can preserve them for the younger siblings. 
At the bus stop today, Owen got there first. And then his four classmates came and joined, and let Owen know that he was not the leader, and so-and-so was, and then they told him who was the next leader, until he was pushed to the back of the line. 

Owen didn't care at all, but I was like "Hey! That's not nice! You guys shouldn't push him around, he was here first!" But Owen is a gentle little boy, and I hope he never minds or notices if his classmates aren't kind to him or make fun of him or pushed to the back of the line. One time, the little brother of one of his classmates, who is 3, told Owen, who is 5, that he talks like a baby. Owen didn't notice, and I was there with Peter and caught the comment and said "Yeah! Owen has a baby brother! He talks like a baby huh!" It might also not be good for earning the respect from his peers that he can't ride a two wheeler yet. I think most of them on are bikes, and Owen rides his bike to the bus stop too, but he has his training wheels. But he's the sweetest and I pray he always will be.

A good thing we did today was that we moved Peter into the little boys room (again). Yes, we supposedly moved him in there last month, but it didn't work for several reasons, the main one being that Abi was in there. I didn't like the idea of her waking him up in the morning as she got ready for school (he's a light sleeper). Also it was a little tricky getting off the mattress after nursing him cause it moves. The floor is nicer cause it doesn't move him when I move. I've been sleeping on the floor with him for months. And I also didn't feel like it was good for Abi to be woken up by him crying during the night, so it would be better if this was a bedroom for just the little boys. So we started moving out Abi on Monday with her mattress, sheets and pillow. Next day was getting the clothes and closets arranged again. Today we got her desk out and then we were able to move in the train table again!! They boys love it! Yay!

This has just been in the basement being unused, so this is great. And this might really work now to get Peter in his own bed. I'm in charge of the room, I can stay in there with Peter if needed. And if I do sneak out, I make sure that the boys' bedroom door is open and ours is open too, and Peter can just wander in if he wakes up during the night. Corey doesn't have to wear ear plugs cause I don't have the white noise in our bedroom for Peter. If Peter does sleep through the night, I just close the door in the morning and The white noise helps him and Daniel both stay asleep. It's all good. 

I made a few runs to Kid to Kid for last minute Halloween stuff before the kids have their Halloween activities at school tomorrow. Owen picked out this dragon costume. It's a size 2-4, so it's a bit tight... I'm going to have to make a few adjustments for him. 
The kids are doing pretty good at getting homework done. Abi and Lily have been practicing an hour a day for over a week, good job girls. I need to do better and helping Sophi and Natalie practice. 

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