Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Run Around

Peter was being super cute and snuggly yesterday morning. I love it, my little bug

It was a usual morning here at home. After Owen got to the bus, I put Peter and Daniel in the car and we waited for Joseph to get back home so I could take him back down to BYU. Last night when we went by to see him, he mentioned how he had volunteered to do some Spanish translating at a clinic in Millcreek in the morning and that he might need a ride to and from Frontrunner. "Why don't you just come home with us now?" Good idea. So last night I waited while he grabbed his stuff. This morning we let him take the fiesta if he'd take the kids to school, minus Hyrum cause he's doing online. Joseph came back and we didn't bother trying to catch frontrunner like last week. Joseph wasn't done until 12:30, so we knew he would miss the frontrunner train that he needed to catch to get back to BYU in time for his commitments. There was no need to have a repeat of us trying in vain to catch it at any of the stops along the way. I told him I'd take him all the way down. He had to be back at BYU at 2. So we went for a drive. That was ok, cause I needed to document Joseph on his new stomping ground. 
Then turn around and head home. Daniel and Peter holding hands as they watched Monsters Inc. in the car, so cute. 
Yes, Peter is in an expired carseat. We've had that one since Joseph, I know I said in 2011 that I'd get rid of it, but I haven't. Sorry. Today was crazy hair day for red ribbon week. 
I put tight sponge rollers in Natalie's hair last night, so she looked good. 
Sophi had her hair diced up and put in 12 loops.
Owen didn't have crazy hair, but he's cute in his snowboots and shorts.
"I'm smiling under this mask!"
Getting on the bus, cute little kindergartener.
We talked to Ethan and Mel yesterday, They are both doing well. Ethan sent me some details of things that he'll need when he applies for his visa, and he is going to have to do most of it from there in Missouri, but I did see that he needs a birth certificate that was issued AFTER January 2020 for some reason, so I went to the South Sandy clinic to get that today after school. When I arrived, there was a paper on the door letting me know that vital records at that location was closed. The only location to get a birth certificate at right now is in downtown SL. Since I had Peter and Daniel in the car already, and Abi as my helper, I just decided we'd go get it. So I got a birth certificate for Mel and Ethan, and now they have their own copies and I let them know that now they can keep their own file of important papers. We sent the certificates via letter envelope. I had Daniel write a quick love note to them both. I wrote out the letters for him to copy "I LOVE YOU MEL"
He did good on Mel's but then he was tired on Ethan's and couldn't finish writing out Ethan's whole name.

I get it, it's exhausting for the level you're at Daniel, that's ok, I'll finish it for you. 

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