Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Day

Hello November 3rd! It's election day. Good luck America! Let's see what we all decide to do. Corey and I voted a while ago. As we were pondering our situation, I told him he couldn't vote for Biden and he told me I couldn't vote for Trump, and it's all a mess so yeah, good luck America and I'm sending prayers all around. I put my heart into Romney years ago and I still think we're collectively idiots for not voting for him, so we're just getting what we deserve. I also realized, more after Romney's loss to Obama, that I should not have put my confidence in the government anyway. What happens in my home is more important than what happens in Washington, plus I don't have control over Washington, so I'm putting my focus in my home and neighborhood, and that's it. Corey did go over to his parent's house to have an "election party" with his brother and his boys, who recently joined in a Trump parade.

And as for home and our life here, it's all good. I've got my baby chicks at home - 

They are watching Disney's Cars (Peter likes cars, and he gets 100% of the vote, so we watch Cars a lot) I liked seeing Daniel snuggling up to him, ha

And this afternoon, Lily was reading to Peter on her bed and he fell asleep. I love it when that happens, it is nice having extra hands to give him attention.

Here are a few cute drawings that Daniel did - 
I liked these for the cheesy mischievous grins that his little characters have. 
All these guys "have pokies" on their fingers to poke. 
My fully grown children are out learning what they need to learn. Hyrum and I talked with Ethan for a bit, it is fun. It sounds like he's struggling a bit. 
I told him it's ok to not write a big entertaining weekly email. If he doesn't feel like writing or making things all rosy, it's ok (and that is what he decided to write today). As long as he is writing in his personal journal, that is what's important. 

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