Monday, November 2, 2020

Will Daniel Share?

Yesterday we recorded a song for the Primary Program. Each family sang a verse or two of a song and then they were going to put it all together for a video. We're going to miss it if we make it to Hawaii, but now that they zoom the sacrament meeting, maybe we can watch it from Ko Olina! We were given a verse and chorus of one of my favorites "We'll Bring The World His Truth". It took us a few takes, but I just kept rolling, pause, record again, until it was good enough. and I figured she could choose which one she thought was best. Here is a link to our recording. Cute kids. 

Other Sabbath day instruction included talking about Twilight and Pornography. Abi finished the books and so Corey let them watch some of it over the weekend. I missed the lesson, but I think it revolved around not letting our selfish natural man feelings rule over our lives. I twas a 

Last night Sophi shared some hot chocolate with Daniel, and we tested him to see if he would return the favor. 

He didn't, but justified himself and kept trying to change the conversation, or distract us from what we were after by blabbing about whatever. 
He's funny. 
Sophi and Natalie knew that Corey is able to provide endless hot chocolate, so they were ok with Daniel being stingy and they saw the humor of the situation.
Here's a photo from today - of Natalie and Peter helping make macaroni tonight. 
Other errands today were picking up Corey's car which had a tire with a pin hole leak in the side of the tire. He had to keep filling it up before he drive anywhere, so I took that in for him on Saturday, they put on the spare for us, so nice, and then ordered the tire. It arrived today and Corey took his car in around 2 and he's all set now. Bummer having to buy a tire - it seems like we keep getting hit with $100 here and $100 there, all the money goes so fast. But we got a warranty and they let us buy a warranty for all 4 of Corey's tires since they were all basically new with good tread, so he's good for the life of those tires, lucky him! 

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