Sunday, November 8, 2020

Profile Pictures

Today I uploaded our profile photos to Safe Travels Hawaii before our trip.  So here are what some of us look like today:

Let's try that again, Peter...
Aww, now there is our sweet and cooperative one year old! 
I took pictures of everyone... 
It's kinda fun seeing who can force a smile and who can smile on demand...
And who can't...
I think smiling is something they forget how to do somewhere in the teenager years... cause look, Daniel can do it!
Ok, Owen's is a little forced..
Good smile Lily...
Sophi's could use some help.
Abi had me take hers a few times until she liked it. 

So that part of our Safe Travels stuff is ready, and we have our covid appointments set up for Wednesday. I thought passing the covid test would be the hard part, but I was wrong - it was even getting appointments! Hopefully the tests will go smoothly. 

We also watched Pearl Harbor today to prepare the kids for some of the history of Oahu (skipping over  the inappropriate parts). This one was a stretch, but since we're going to Hawaii this week, we tried to make it work. Corey quizzed them afterwards: "Who can tell me the names of the three people in the love triangle..." ha. j/k - that fake love story is not the important thing about Pearl Harbor! But the attack scene was helpful. They were bombed for over 2 hours! The 20 minutes in the screen seemed long, wow, what it must have been like. We try to watch church or history movies and documentaries on Sundays. 

Other than that, today I put quotes from General Conference up all over the laundry room desk. The little boys played with the new train set pieces, and things are good. The kids will go to school tomorrow and Tuesday and then Wednesday we'll be heading down to Las Vegas. Fingers crossed!

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