Monday, November 9, 2020

Covid Stress Test

Hey, I just want to say "AAAHHHHH!" for a second. Inhale.... and exhale.... deep breaths. I'm not feeling totally stressed out, just a little bit. It's been a few years since we had traveling stress, so this is fun! I have lost my appetite, however. That might be a good thing though. I'm going to go make myself eat dinner, but I thought I'd share the drama from today. I got a phone call this morning from Walgreens' Covid Testing center. On Saturday, we were miraculously able to set up appointments for all of us for this Wednesday. Today they called and said they were actually going to be closed on Wednesday and so we needed to reschedule. Thankfully they were able to do it earlier (since we couldn't do it later - if we did that, we'd miss our flight out of Las Vegas). So yeah, no problem! They said we could come in today or tomorrow. We have to be within 72 hours of our flight, so anytime today after 1pm worked. I scheduled it for 2pm. I took Owen to school for afternoon kindergarten at 1 (cause he really wants to go to school), then went to get the girls from Churchill, then came back to pick up Owen, Natalie, and Sophi at 1:45. I texted Corey that we were on our way to the Taylorsville Walgreens and he got in his car and left work to meet up with us there. When we got there, we were going over paper work, and they needed ID for Corey and I, since we were adults, and also for ...Sophi? "No..." "We need it for all adults. This shows that she's over 18..." "No.... she's 9..." We had her birthday entered at 2001 instead of 2011!!!! Oh man! We're one of those people that botch it up that they were warning us about. They told us OVER AND OVER again to have the birth dates and names right, and we blew it! We typed 2001 instead of 2011, and so we have to reschedule! BUT there are NO appointments - they are all booked out past Thursday! We got everyone else's dates right, but 95%/A- won't work, we need 100% or it means a kid doesn't get to go. Sorry Sophi! So that was bad news, but we have 6 other people in my van that needed a test, and I could see in my rear view mirror a long line forming behind us. Hyrum was right behind me, Corey 3 cars back from him. So I'm like "I'll figure out Sophi later..." and we start to do the nose swabs for the rest of us, and this was horrible... (free, but horrible) we had to stick it up our own noses! "Make eight big circles... then put it up the other nostril, and do eight more big circles..." So first was me, Wes, and Abi, and Abi was freaking out. Wes and I handled it like champs, even if our eyes were watering like crazy afterwards. Abi finally did it, I put all our samples into the boxes. Ok, who's next?! Daniel, Lily, and Natalie. I did Daniel. I got out of the car. He had been waving to the people and was so cute and friendly to them out the window and then I was coming at him with a huge Q-tip. "NO! I don't want that!" We have to do it buddy. We held him and sampled him and he didn't like it but he did great. Then was Lily. She was the worst of all the kids. And I'm still very aware of the long line of cars that we're holding up... I was in efficiency mode and was not able to wait for her to be comfortable for this. I almost had Wes and Abi hold her face for me, but she relented and I was able to do her. Natalie did well and had a big booger on her stick that made all the girls freak out. Hyrum did himself in the car behind me. Then they came and told me that they will do Sophi and that I just needed to call PNR Health to get her year changed in the system. Yay, phew, hopefully that will work. So they collected Sophi's snot sample. I think she did the best, and maybe it helped her be brave cause she was worried that she wasn't going to be able to do the covid test. I also didn't take any photos of this. I think Abi did get a video of me sampling Natalie's nose. I'll see if I can get a screen shot of that. OK! One more - they had us pull forward a bit, which helped with the perceived length of the line of cars we had been holding up. I open the door of Hyrum's car to do Owen's nose test. He did perfect too, just as good as Wes and Sophi. Good job Owen, you win. So that was that! Hopefully we'll have the results back within 24 hours. 

I got home and called the number they gave me, so that I could change Sophi's birth year. The nice lady at PNR Health, Desiree, helped me as best as she could, but said that she couldn't access Sophi's year to change it. She can't change an adult to a minor. Shoot. So that didn't work. So I started to look around at Walgreen clinics in Utah, Idaho and Nevada to see if I could get an appointment anywhere with no luck. I looked at CVS in Nevada. It'd be $139 but oh well. But then as I started to fill that out, you have to be older than 10! Shoot. Oh man, what to do, what to do. I called the Oahu Hawaii hotline and talked to a nice guy there. He suggested Quest Diagnotics and they do it at some Walmarts... I tried to sign up for that, answered the questionairre, it would be $119, but Sophi didn't qualify for whatever reason, it seemed to say older and at risk patients get priority, so too bad for you, healthy 9 year old! I might be driving up to Twin Falls tomorrow. Twin Falls had an opening at 4 pm. I started to book it, then it asked for insurance information that the Walgreens here didn't ask for, and then the appointment expired and was gone. I took too long. Oh well, it was blue dot anyway.

I went back to searching Walgreens locations in Utah. I clicked "Orem... Tuesday... Wednesday... Thursday..." "No appointments available, Please select another date." then four more clicks... "Ogden... Tuesday... Wednesday... Thursday..." "No appointments available. Please select another date." Taylorsville.... Salt Lake.... Ogden... Tuesday... Wednesday... Thursday... repeat ad nauseam. 

I was thinking to myself "Hmm, you know, this morning, you all had appointments for Wednesday... and they were able to schedule it for today no problem. SO! Why don't you just log on tonight at 5, get an appointment for Sophi for Friday, then call and tell them that you need to do it tomorrow! That should work!" and right after I came up with that brilliant plan, and I continued to mindlessly click on the Utah testing locations and testing dates, all of a sudden there was a "TUESDAY 11 NOVEMBER 10:00 AM" and I heard angels sing and the heavens parted and the light shone down upon me through the clouds - a miracle and gift from God truly, I hurried and answered all the questions which I know by heart now and booked it! If I could have, I would have gone back in the survey to QUADRUPLE check her birth year, but I will trust that I got it right!!! So Sophi is getting tested again tomorrow at 10 am! Hallelujah! Sophi said "Lucky for you, I did good when I got it up my nose!" Yes you did, Soph, so this will be easy peasy tomorrow. I also STILL got on their website at 5pm and set up an appointment for her for Friday. And I will be able to cancel that easily (hopefully from Hawaii) on Thursday and maybe that will be the answer to someone else's prayer when that pops up as available, ha. SO, one step closer to Hawaii, maybe? I guess we still need to get our results back. I am SO glad that we got this figured out today - We could have been in a major bind if we had gotten the tests done Wednesday morning and we were ready to drive down to Las Vegas and that was when we found out we had entered Sophi's birth year wrong! So thank you Heavenly Father for looking out for us today! So that has been what has consumed my thoughts all day today. I was a bit distracted when Melodie and Ethan called. I was not paying attention more during Melodie's call, which was earlier in the day, than when Ethan called at 5. By 5:00 most of the drama had passed so we actually had a good call with him. That's good though, cause he only gets to call on Mondays, Mel calls Mondays and Fridays for some reason. ...not that we don't love seeing her face and talking to her, we're just usually distracted and busy with a hundred things and the phone calls are lacking engaged participation on our end. They are doing good though. Go check out their blogs. Ethan here - Mel here. Ethan is really hoping and praying to make it to the Dominican Republic, feel free to send any prayers up on his behalf for that. They are sending out some missionaries to other countries on a very limited basis so that is promising! We are sure pleased with the great young adults they have become! This screenshot courtesy of Joseph. 

He was telling them "If you had told me of some missionaries that were spending tons of time on facebook and calling home every week, I would have told you they were major slacker missionaries!" Not in todays world though! We are proud of those two exemplary missionaries, filters and all, ha! Can't you just tell that they are amazing and noble youth? haha

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