Thursday, November 26, 2020

Skiing and Thanksgiving

We're back from our trip, and there was a little bit of snow that came while we were gone. It was enough that Alta is open, so Corey took almost all the kids skiing today. He is more prepared this year than ever before, Corey has been prepping for for months! Car with 4 wheel, rack, cargo box, etc.... He went through all the winter clothes in September and we had kids choose their snowpants, gloves, coats, hats, helmets, and then we took note of who still needed what. Corey got face coverings for everyone, plus thermal undergarments at Costco which he was super excited about. They still had some hick ups along the way. Corey said he will bring a backpack next time with some supplies. He hit a low point when O and D had to use the bathroom. Probably can't do anything about that...

Cute Daniel and Owen all ready, buying tickets. 
Corey got Mountain Collective ski tickets for all of us back in Aug when it was a really good deal, but not for O and D cause he thought they would be free at most resorts. Alta isn't one of them. So Corey spent his time on the rope tow with O and D, Hyrum came over there to help him sometimes. 

So it didn't go over totally smoothly and perfectly, but it was good. We'll work out the kinks and it will get better each time. Joseph took little kids up the lift.

After seeing Corey work so hard with the little kids and not be able to ski at all himself, Joseph asked him "How do you do it?" (like how has he taken kids skiing for many years (earliest documented here is 2012) and how do you have the fortitude to do this today - to take 8 kids skiing!?!" 

Corey's reply: "Resentfully." 

(That was a little joke, but he was also being serious.)

Corey's hands were full, so he didn't take any photos, but Joseph got those few. Everyone went except me, Abi, and Peter. Abi stayed home and helped me cook food and she set the table and decorated. Good job Abi, you'll be a wonderful homemaker! Peter helped too, and was most helpful after he went down for a nap. We worked hard for several hours and listened to Christmas Music and I was on standby with Corey to come up to Alta to pick up Owen and Daniel if needed, but Corey never phoned me so we just kept plugging along with the meal and we were happy to have a lovely warm festive meal ready for them after they got back from a full day of skiing! They got home around 4:30. Everyone had changed their clothes and we sat down.

Everyone say "Give Thanks!"
Melodie and Ethan were both able to call today so it was fun to talk to them. They ate with us "virtually". We all shared something we're thankful for:

And then we ate.

My favorite part of the meal was the vegan stuffing and this Brussel sprouts side dish with with cranberries and pecans (I substituted sweet potatoes for the squash). I'm going to have leftovers of that for several days, since no one else particularly cared for it.   

After everyone (except me!) ate too much, we watched Mr. Rogers Neighborhood and enjoyed two small cookie platters. I love that movie. I saw on the plane ride from Honolulu. It is so good, Mr. Rogers has totally inspired me and I feel like some things are coming together from that at from the depiction of Jesus on The Chosen of how to become more Christlike - they make it seem possible and demonstrate ways to be kind. Mr. Rogers, from his wife in the movie, made it clear he is not a Saint, but he works at it intentionally. We all need to work at it, and I can more clearly see some of the next steps forward for me. Mr. Rogers was my #GiveThanks yesterday on facebook - 

I am thankful today for Fred Rogers. I loved the movie "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" and just watched it on Monday on our flight home. I've been thinking of it since. It was healing and left me wanting to be a better person, to look at my children in the eyes more and be present with them, to acknowledge their feelings. "Feelings are mentionable and manageable" - Pray for people everyday by name. What a great man and example he was to all of us!

Life is wonderful, God is good, It is a Beautiful Day in our neighborhood! My heart is filled with Thanks, Everything is amazing. 

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