Thursday, November 12, 2020

Vegas and the Airport

We left for Las Vegas last night at 5:30, which much later than I had expected. But we couldn't leave until then because Corey had given his word that we would not leave until Wesley finished his late math assignment and chapter 3 test. It was a hard math assignment but we're glad he finally got it turned in. albeit 2 weeks late. The little girls were pacing with worry that Corey was going to cancel the trip. 

The drive to Vegas as dark and long. I don't like driving in the dark, but we made it alive, yay. We arrived at 12:20 Utah time, 11:20 Nevada time. 
Hooray for getting an extra hour! Going to the airport at "4 am" didn't seem so bad when I knew it was really 5 am in Utah. It was sooo nice to be able to lay down and close my eyes after such a long drive. We all slept very well and I woke up at 3:45 feeling remarkably refreshed. We had two rooms at the Hampton Inn. 

Corey, Peter and I shared a bed, and Natalie Owen and Daniel were in the other bed in our room. HWALS were all in the other room together. The Hampton Inn had a free shuttle to the airport. There wasn't room in the shuttle for all of us to go together, so Corey left at 4 am with ALSO,
Hyrum and Wes stayed with me and NDP and we left in the 4:30 shuttle. I guess I could have let Hyrum and Wes sleep a bit more had I known they'd be staying with me. We chatted a bit while we waited for our shuttle time... Peter slept through our talking.
I put Natalie's and Daniel's shoes on. They don't know it but they're ready to go. 
At 4:20 we pick them up and head to the elevator. Yay! Isn't this fun!?
Waiting in the lobby. Peter saw a big photo of the interior of a car on the wall behind the front desk and said "Car! Rrrr Rrrr!" Time for the shuttle, let's go.
Corey was waiting for us at the airport drop off. Let's get a picture of all the kids! Yay, this is like the subway in Santiago!
Going through security. Age 12 and under don't have to take off their shoes, hooray.
Abi forgot to take her Chromebook out of her bag and she gets pulled aside. Tsk tsk
Time to ride a train, the little boys liked that! Fun!
We made it, just a short wait at the gate. 
We had a short flight to Seattle. Peter fell asleep right away, he was a good baby on the plane. I hope he does that again on the longer flight to Hawaii. We had a long 3 hour layover in Seattle. Corey tried to get work done. The little kids huddled around his phone to watch a movie. 
I decided to take Owen and Daniel on the train, they liked it. Waiting for the train to come.
We got on and off several times and just rode it around the loop several times. Our favorite spot was the back where you could see out the back window. 
Daniel said "Owen is big!" 
I told Daniel that HE was big too!
That worked for a little bit, but not for 3 hours. It was a long layover, and we had a long flight ahead of us after we survived this... buckle up. Daniel wanted chips and was mad we wouldn't buy them (they were $5 bucks!). Then he was also really mourning when he spilled water on his shirt at the drinking fountain. This little boy needed a nap. The older kids tried to get some homework done.
I was able to blog just for a little bit and hopefully we'll get on the plane soon. I'm sure we will make it to Hawaii, and I'm 99% sure they will let us stay (there was a story in the local Utah news of a couple who after arriving in Hawaii, weren't allowed to stay and had to fly back home because they didn't get their negative covid results at a State of Hawaii approved testing partner. That would be horrible) I think I have all the paperwork in order, fingers crossed! We'll find out soon. (I'll check back later, hopefully from our hotel room!) If I check in later from our home, then it means I have a sad tale to share. 

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