Tuesday, November 10, 2020

All Negative

I've got positive news.... We're all negative! I was miraculously able to set up an appointment for Sophi at 10 today, and I got her results back less than an hour later, amazing. She's negative, we're all negative, all the pdfs of our lab results are uploaded, so now I think there is a 95% chance that all of us will actually make it to Hawaii!! Exciting! We're saying our prayers and keeping our fingers crossed. Sophi did great getting her nose swabbed again. 
I rewarded her with a frosty. It's great having the older kids home all the time to watch the toddlers. Sophi was musing on the drive home about how here we are in the snow today, and it will be the same week, but in a few days we'll be standing on the warm beach! We can get two pictures of the same week but different weather extremes - so here's Sophi's cold photo - 
Beach photo coming soon! Owen was digging in the snow in the back yard. I thought that would be a good one to swap with a beach photo too. We'll pack that shovel and that little bucket and he'll be digging in the sand soon.
Owen was working so hard on the trampoline today before kindergarten. He was trying to get all the snow off. He'd put the snow in his bucket and then dump it off the side. It was taking him a long time.
Daniel was digging in the snow too - getting it off the ground and throwing it up on the trampoline. 

They weren't going to make a lot of progress that way... I went back inside and made lunch while Owen worked. Then he came in and told me with exhaustion "I tired, I can't do the snow..." so I grabbed a broom was a hero for him as I got on the trampoline to help him out. We did it!

I was laughing at Owen as we walked to the bus. He was tromping through everyone's footprint free snow covered lawns. 

And he also had to stop and punch any fluffy pile of snow he could find. 
It was pretty hilarious.
We started to pack clothes this evening, and I printed up everyone's covid results, and that's about it. We didn't clean much. We did go over the basic plan for the next 13 days. Tomorrow will be busy. Wake up, clean, finish packing, and then drive to Las Vegas. We're staying at a hotel tonight, then flying out tomorrow morning at 6 am. So that means 4 am at the airport probably, which means we should get to bed early tomorrow, hopefully we can pull it off. Our vacation (or vacation fail) report will be coming soon! Goodnight. 

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